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Political Thread

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people "worrying" about statues have the same thing between their ears as the statues do ... just sayin' ...
The statue staying or moving doesn't worry me. What worries me is all the rebel flags and protests to keep it up come out to intimidate and remind people that we live in the south.
The statue staying or moving doesn't worry me. What worries me is all the rebel flags and protests to keep it up come out to intimidate and remind people that we live in the south.
we do live in the south ... and for all the warts, I ain't apologizing for where I live, where I came from and for what I didn't do (btw ... there's warts everywhere, so until other folks cure their own ... )
we do live in the south ... and for all the warts, I ain't apologizing for where I live, where I came from and for what I didn't do (btw ... there's warts everywhere, so until other folks cure their own ... )
Try telling that to my black step brother who was riding with me today in 2019 and saw a bunch of pissed off people with rebel flags
Try telling that to my black step brother who was riding with me today in 2019 and saw a bunch of pissed off people with rebel flags
That's a hard one, but don't lump a quarter of the population of the US (the SE) into what a few rednecks do ... and if you want to see plenty of rednecks, there's Ohio, Oregon, desert California, West Virginia, Indiana ... need I go on ... warts brother, warts ... they exist but they ain't southern as a badge or birthright ...
You are right about that it's just hard to see in person. I never had a problem with the statue. I have lived here 43 years and never paid much attention to this matter until I was educated on its history and what it means to to black people and what it means to a small pathetic minority of white people. It's just sad.
You are right about that it's just hard to see in person. I never had a problem with the statue. I have lived here 43 years and never paid much attention to this matter until I was educated on its history and what it means to to black people and what it means to a small pathetic minority of white people. It's just sad.
Lots of stuff is sad if you let it be that way ... or just learn from it and move positively forward yourself ... you are the only one you control, and just say a prayer for the rest, but don't let the rest slow your life down ... after all, you've only got one ...
... off the soapbox ... with a prayer ...
The statue staying or moving doesn't worry me. What worries me is all the rebel flags and protests to keep it up come out to intimidate and remind people that we live in the south.
Ignorant people are everywhere, not just in your county in NC meaning that it's a part of life, get over it or move.

So thinking you are superior to one race is not as bad as thinking you are superior to all races?

No, I am taking in consideration that the Nazis and Confederates existed in different time periods, and were completely different when it came to society, culture, government, etc.

The Confederates were basically just Americans who wanted to keep slavery because they were economically dependent on it. Yes, they were very racist but at that time period a lot of people were very racist, even people like Lincoln believed that black people could not live and integrate in the U.S. Racism was a cultural norm back then

The Nazis entire ideology was based on the premise of genocide of multiple groups, Jews through the Holocaust, their planned colonization of Eastern Europe which would have annihilated the Slavic people groups of that region, not to mention groups that were generally seen as unfit such as disabled, LGBT, Roma, ect. Despite any prejudices against all of those groups during the time period, this idea of genocide was not viewed as morally correct by larger society.

You are comparing Apples to Big Macs here.
Also, just putting this out there. After you go back far enough, almost every historical figure that is admired by our society would be considered horrible people by modern standards. This is the reason why we do not project our modern societal views when studying history.
If it happens in the election year the Republicans will have some splaining to do when they inevitably approve a nominee in the senate.
Oh they'll have an explanation, don't you worry. Why? Because they are hypocrites on that issue. Just like the Democrats are hypocrites on some issues. Our political system is thoroughly corrupt and does a really fantastic job pitting people against each other.

It's underway now, but I will be so glad when more of the population finally wakes up to the fact that, aside from a few core social issues, both parties are essentially on the same team. And that team is so entangled with big corporations, media, Wall Street, and special interest groups, that the average person isn't being represented. They keep us distracted by having us combat each other socially, while they gradually remove freedom, elevate their own power, and gain wealth, all while the economic situation for the average person slowly deteriorates.

The good thing is, more and more people are seeing that. But the bad thing is, I dont think it will reach a critical mass until we face a real crisis of some kind (and it's coming). That's just the way our world works, unfortunately.
Oh they'll have an explanation, don't you worry. Why? Because they are hypocrites on that issue. Just like the Democrats are hypocrites on some issues. Our political system is thoroughly corrupt and does a really fantastic job pitting people against each other.

It's underway now, but I will be so glad when more of the population finally wakes up to the fact that, aside from a few core social issues, both parties are essentially on the same team. And that team is so entangled with big corporations, media, Wall Street, and special interest groups, that the average person isn't being represented. They keep us distracted by having us combat each other socially, while they gradually remove freedom, elevate their own power, and gain wealth, all while the economic situation for the average person slowly deteriorates.

The good thing is, more and more people are seeing that. But the bad thing is, I dont think it will reach a critical mass until we face a real crisis of some kind (and it's coming). That's just the way our world works, unfortunately.
Absolutely they're almost identical, self serving bunch of hypocrites. I've said this before, just look at immigration reform, GOP had House, Senate and WH but couldn't pass anything. As soon as Dems back in house back to pointing fingers.... we have lame duck Gov't most of the time. Scared to stand for anything because they may lose their precious election, their seat, their power.

edited: poor grammar lol

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Oh they'll have an explanation, don't you worry. Why? Because they are hypocrites on that issue. Just like the Democrats are hypocrites on some issues. Our political system is thoroughly corrupt and does a really fantastic job pitting people against each other.

It's underway now, but I will be so glad when more of the population finally wakes up to the fact that, aside from a few core social issues, both parties are essentially on the same team. And that team is so entangled with big corporations, media, Wall Street, and special interest groups, that the average person isn't being represented. They keep us distracted by having us combat each other socially, while they gradually remove freedom, elevate their own power, and gain wealth, all while the economic situation for the average person slowly deteriorates.

The good thing is, more and more people are seeing that. But the bad thing is, I dont think it will reach a critical mass until we face a real crisis of some kind (and it's coming). That's just the way our world works, unfortunately.

Term Limits !!
I think term limits are too far but if a person in a high political office is diagnosed with a life-threatening health condition and/or their general health declines to a certain point, they should be removed from office immediately.
I think term limits are too far but if a person in a high political office is diagnosed with a life-threatening health condition and/or their general health declines to a certain point, they should be removed from office immediately.
That becomes a slippery slope though. Such as when are they too unhealthy to be unfit? It could be used corruptly to remove a person from office, so I think it's a bad idea. Term limits would actually encourage things to be done though. Politics are very stagnant when people sit in office and do nothing. It reminds me of how the mayor of my closest city was in office for decades and nothing seemed to change until a new mayor was elected. Sometimes it's best to move along the power.
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