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Political Thread

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Good post.

However, I was about to post and will do it now about giving very rare (from me) kudos to Trump. He just said in his presser that he told GA gov Kemp that he "strongly disagrees" with Kemp for reopening up those nonessential businesses too soon. I said here that I'd give him kudos if he were to do that and I'm keeping my word. So, thank you Mr. President for a refreshing change.
I too was surprised by him saying he disagrees with Kemp and I'm glad he does.
Everywhere will be opening up and removing all SIP orders in the next two weeks. It MUST happen or there will be massive political upheaval. Some areas may have more of a "tyrannical" approach (ie California, New York, Illinois) but most sensible states will open up. It still may be too late. Don't advertise what assets you possess, by the way.

More people support the stay at home approach. Yall are living in fear and a different view of America than pretty much everyone else
The flu vaccine is 50/50 at best. So a vaccine for this virus is gonna be 50/50 at best most likely also. Yes blood clots and this whole virus sucks but it’s life. Bottom line every week new things about this virus emerge. In other words live each day to its fullest.

Unless you get in the way of reopening then drop dead and get out of our way correct?
More people support the stay at home approach. Yall are living in fear and a different view of America than pretty much everyone else
That is not true around the places I go to and the friends I speak to and family members. They all believe we have to open up at end of month. I would say it’s a split 50/50 about staying ---- down and opening up.
29% completely broke in less month
160 million completely broke within 3 months. That’s half of America. No taxes being collected. No food. Do you really think people will not start looting & rioting and stealing and more violence if half of Americans has nothing to take care of themselves and their families?
I don't want communism so quit trying to put words in my mouth there. Reasonable and knowledgeable people? Most reasonable and knowledgeable people want to follow the science on this and not do things just cause it's most convenient for some of you. Those folks usually don't tend to blindly follow whatever Fox and Rush entertainment personalities tell them to do.
I think you are forgetting that some of us here are well educated very well well established professionals. We don't let the political smoke cloud our way of life. So, don't accuse those of us who actually support our president of being blind followers. I have 20/20 vision, I can read, and I have made a pretty good living by being a good judge of character.
Stay home to those that do not want to get out.
Being a wennie means I’m free to get out and not live in fear. Free to make my choice that’s best for me. I respect social distancing and their opinions but if don’t like my thinking then stay home. No one is making you get out or does not respect your choice to stay at home. Eventually you getting paid to stay at home will stop and your work will say time to come back. Reality you will eventually have to face the outside with the virus. If reappears in fall/winter you may not know its back till its already spread.
I think you are forgetting that some of us here are well educated very well well established professionals. We don't let the political smoke cloud our way of life. So, don't accuse those of us who actually support our president of being blind followers. I have 20/20 vision, I can read, and I have made a pretty good living by being a good judge of character.
and some of us want our staff, and clients, well and functioning in 3 weeks, and in 3 months, and in 3 years ... so we work, and work with them, with that as part of the new frontal focus (was always in the background, but in a strange way, perhaps it's good it's now a primary point) ...
You fall into this category IMO.
I fall into that category now. If we reach the total social economic collapse that we are on the road to then you will be in the category of the stupidity that will be saying why is the govt not saving me.
Being a wennie means I’m free to get out and not live in fear. Free to make my choice that’s best for me. I respect social distancing and their opinions but if don’t like my thinking then stay home. No one is making you get out or does not respect your choice to stay at home. Eventually you getting paid to stay at home will stop and your work will say time to come back. Reality you will eventually have to face the outside with the virus. If reappears in fall/winter you may not know its back till its already spread.

This sums up your last month of posts. I have to work because we are essential and have had product bought and taken by the govt. As a medical device manufacturer we will remain working. I go out and get lunch at work occasionally and I'll go shopping and an occasional local restuarant takeout to help. The rest of the time we stay home.

Do you know why I stay home? It damn sure isnt for ME......its for my parents, your parents, and everyone else who has high risk parents........but now we know it's all about YOU when you go marching around saying screw everyone elses high risk parents.
Being a wennie means I’m free to get out and not live in fear. Free to make my choice that’s best for me. I respect social distancing and their opinions but if don’t like my thinking then stay home. No one is making you get out or does not respect your choice to stay at home. Eventually you getting paid to stay at home will stop and your work will say time to come back. Reality you will eventually have to face the outside with the virus. If reappears in fall/winter you may not know its back till its already spread.
This is the epitome of why our own people are failing us. Matthew, It's great that you think and feel you may not contract the virus, but you aren't aware of the repercussions that effect more than just yourself. If you were to come into contact with the virus and become asymptomatic and continue to spread it, you could easily kill someone.

Where did the "We stand as one" attitude go after 9/11? I remember everyone in solidarity as one nation mourning our lost, but now because we can't go to Texas Roadhouse we simply don't care for one another? Listen to your officials and just stay home, regardless of your political stance or view on the handling of the virus. I work at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, where most of the Coronavirus cases have been centered. I'm doing my part, and as a healthcare professional I'm asking you to do yours...
This sums up your last month of posts. I have to work because we are essential and have had product bought and taken by the govt. As a medical device manufacturer we will remain working. I go out and get lunch at work occasionally and I'll go shopping and an occasional local restuarant takeout to help. The rest of the time we stay home.

Do you know why I stay home? It damn sure isnt for ME......its for my parents, your parents, and everyone else who has high risk parents........but now we know it's all about YOU when you go marching around saying screw everyone elses high risk parents.
Lol. I don’t go around anyone that is high risk. I am around others that choose to work! Choose! I have not seen my mom in a month. Now she goes out on her own. Yes 72 cancer survivor. That is her choice! She chooses to go out! So it’s not about me! The people I’m around are ALL wanting to be around others! You should come work with me. They would love to share their opinions with you. Be warned they are ALL having opinions like me. So when I go to Lowe’s those people are their by their choice! They choose to go out. All those you work with and get food from it’s their choice to work
You do realize you could get the virus off touching food packages and other things. So it’s not about me! Those older high risk people that choose to go out. That’s them making the choice. So not sure how I’m being selfish. My job is also essential.
This is the epitome of why our own people are failing us. Matthew, It's great that you think and feel you may not contract the virus, but you aren't aware of the repercussions that effect more than just yourself. If you were to come into contact with the virus and become asymptomatic and continue to spread it, you could easily kill someone.

Where did the "We stand as one" attitude go after 9/11? I remember everyone in solidarity as one nation mourning our lost, but now because we can't go to Texas Roadhouse we simply don't care for one another? Listen to your officials and just stay home, regardless of your political stance or view on the handling of the virus. I work at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, where most of the Coronavirus cases have been centered. I'm doing my part, and as a healthcare professional I'm asking you to do yours...
I understand what your saying but my job is essential. Everyone I’m around it’s their choice to be out. I don’t intentionally go close to higher risk individuals. I’m not looking to spread the virus. I’m doing my job and doing my part to take care of my family.
I don’t agree with berating her at all. I do find it ironic she’s a nurse and not wearing a mask? Yet wait these health care workers have been exposed to the virus and are probably likely to be asymptomatic. They have higher chances of carrying the virus than most public. Yet they could get it by being in public protesting also. Then if they get it they take it back to the hospitals. Brilliant! So yes the protesting from the public I don’t agree with but there protest from the health care workers is even more ridiculous. So both are idiots.
Something else to consider. The health care workers could be carriers also. They take it to the grocery stores and wherever they go. Again we will all be exposed to it eventually if have not already.
Only way to completely shut down spreading is complete total lock down. No one leaves their homes. Not even essentials. Essentials get to their jobs and stay till it’s over.
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I don’t agree with berating her at all. I do find it ironic she’s a nurse and not wearing a mask? Yet wait these health care workers have been exposed to the virus and are probably likely to be asymptomatic. They have higher chances of carrying the virus than most public. Yet they could get it by being in public protesting also. Then if they get it they take it back to the hospitals. Brilliant! So yes the protesting from the public I don’t agree with but there protest from the health care workers is even more ridiculous. So both are idiots.
Something else to consider. The health care workers could be carriers also. They take it to the grocery stores and wherever they go. Again we will all be exposed to it eventually if have not already.
Only way to completely shut down spreading is complete total lock down. No one leaves their homes. Not even essentials. Essentials get to their jobs and stay till it’s over.

Believe me, many essential workers in low wage positions feel like they are being held hostage as they don't have the option of staying home. If they do, they starve or don't make rent and likely lose their job. They are not given paid leave and are forced to be at high risk of contracting COVID-19. Just yesterday 3 Fresh Market workers were confirmed positive in Southern Pines. Since they are low wage, most don't have access to healthcare they can afford either. It is an absolute mess.
Something that is funny is that Trump supported what Kemp chose to do until we saw all of the awful media backlash.

Another funny is my mom felt a lot better when Trump flip flopped and the flip flop was heard about (she only heard about what was said after the flip flop).
Believe me, many essential workers in low wage positions feel like they are being held hostage as they don't have the option of staying home. If they do, they starve or don't make rent and likely lose their job. They are not given paid leave and are forced to be at high risk of contracting COVID-19. Just yesterday 3 Fresh Market workers were confirmed positive in Southern Pines. Since they are low wage, most don't have access to healthcare they can afford either. It is an absolute mess.
Agree it is a mess and only going to get worse if we don’t at least try to open some of the economy. With a possible wave again that could be worse in fall and winter. This whole situation sucks.
I could see a world war start. With economies collapsing and nations angry towards China. China acts like they want a war. This all started when a trade war with China was happening. Now they want to blame us. China is a sick nation with a communist leading govt. that has no morals and sacrifices it’s people and children all the time. I can see them sacrificing a million of their people to start a possible war. They just locked down another city of 11 million yesterday because apparently a student from NY returned there and has infected 70 people. More blaming us.
Honestly I think NC should quarantine anyone who comes in from states like GA that open too soon. Anyway McConnell was absolutely eviscerated today by Cuomo and it was beautiful to watch:

Cannot believe the idiot opened things up this quick, heard mid June was the time to do it.
Cannot believe the idiot opened things up this quick, heard mid June was the time to do it.
I understand the worries of opening to soon but economically there is no way any state can wait till mid June. We are already at depression levels for unemployment. If states wait till June it will be 40-50 million on unemployment. We have 26 million just in a months time.
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