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Political Thread

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It's not the worst suggestion I've ever heard. When I lived in Jersey, I'd go hiking when I caught a cold virus. I'd hike about 10 miles in a day with a roll of bounty to blow my nose. Whether it be from the sunlight or over-active lymphatic system from water and exercise sweat, my cold would always be gone by the end of the day or the next day. I read a lot of hiker guides in my teenage years, and there were many anecdotes about people that were able to fight colds by continuous hiking, and other stories about colds developing after they people at shelters.
You actually think injecting disinfectant is not a bad idea? That sounds like something Hitler would have done to the Jews in the WWII concentration camps. Good grief
You actually think injecting disinfectant is not a bad idea? That sounds like something Hitler would have done to the Jews in the WWII concentration camps. Good grief

That's BS. I know that wasn't what he was suggesting.

BTW... I'm Jewish. Stop comparing that man that has a Jewish daughter with Hitler. It's disgusting already.
Cause there are two chocies: Trump or Biden. I will never support Biden. The man has dementia and he supported travel in the middle of March. It wasn't until March 20th that he back tracked.
There are more than 2 choices... I voted in 2016 and I didn't vote for either Clinton or Trump.
That's BS. I know that wasn't what he was suggesting.

BTW... I'm Jewish. Stop comparing that man that has a Jewish daughter with Hitler. It's disgusting already.
That is exactly what he was suggesting... watch the video. The guy is literally that dumb. The BS is you spinning so hard trying to defend stuff he does that is insane. BTW... Do you think you should inject the bleach before or after you put on your space suit (yeah he suggested that too).
There are more than 2 choices... I voted in 2016 and I didn't vote for either Clinton or Trump.

Sure sure. Right now there are third parties running, but they do not have access to ballots in all the states. The Democrats made sure of it. Thus, they have no chance. They aren't even on enough ballots to win 270. Like I said, there are only two choices.
That is exactly what he was suggesting... watch the video. The guy is literally that dumb. The BS is you spinning so hard trying to defend stuff he does that is insane. BTW... Do you think you should inject the bleach before or after you put on your space suit (yeah he suggested that too).

Just saw it. You guys were exaggerating again. It's like you don't even understand language. The man was riffing. I riff all the time. Everyone riffs.
I don't care if you criticize me... but PLEASE try to form a legible sentence when you do it. Cause I don't know what you're talking about.

Come on, man. Trump shouldn’t have said what he did. It just sounds so wacky! Keep in mind that I gave him kudos for stating his strong disagreement with GA Gov Kemp.

It would do him better if he limited his rambling and tweets.
It's a wonder this man ever became president:

Well just wait. Biden will be much worse than him. No win situation for America. They are keeping him outta public as long as they can. The stories we will have to laugh at when he does start opening his mouth. Along with seeing who the next president will be that will be a true liberal/socialist lady president. Because Biden does not make it no more than 2 years. America will have its fIrst lady and socialist president. With this virus and the unemployment and economic collapse. Probably saying bye to America as we know it.
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Elections have consequences..

Well that’s what you get with a Liberal Democrat governor. Also the bs on attacks on the guns. Just wait if Biden wins. He and his socialist liberal agenda will make America the rich and poverty. No middle class.
Come on, man. Trump shouldn’t have said what he did. It just sounds so wacky! Keep in mind that I gave him kudos for stating his strong disagreement with GA Gov Kemp.

It would do him better if he limited his rambling and tweets.

The man was riffing. I don't care what someone says when they're riffing. I do care when the Democratic candidate for President seriously tells other to "go travel to Europe and China".
Injecting disinfectant is not the worst suggestion you've ever heard?!
Enjoy while you can. Your clown Biden will soon be in spot light. He will show the world how ignorant he is. Plus I’m sure he will on camera will show what a pervert he is with his vp lady choice. The next Clinton just much worse.
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But you are voting for a man that suggests you inject cleaners into your body?
Oh boy.
Please don't do that. Just abstain.
Well I’d hope people would not be stupid enough to do such a thing. Hey at least he remembers who his wife is. Well then again Biden probably is into incest.
They told people to keep traveling to China and Europe. I'm not posting it again. Look it up. The Democrats are vile. They could have killed millions with their rhetoric.
Like when the president said there is only 15 cases of the virus and it would be zero soon? A week later we had hundreds of cases and less than two months later 50,000 Americans are dead
Well just wait. Biden will be much worse than him. No win situation for America. They are keeping him outta public as long as they can. The stories we will have to laugh at when he does start opening his mouth. Along with seeing who the next president will be that will be a true liberal/socialist lady president. Because Biden does not make it no more than 2 years. America will have its fIrst lady and socialist president. With this virus and the unemployment and economic collapse. Probably saying bye to America as we know it.
You are such a drama queen
Drudge has been flipped on Trump, conservatisim for over 2 years now. Are you just fiinding this out? Hes not a fan of anyone who cozies up to evangelicals because of his personal private life.

I'm not just finding out his flip on Trump. And as far as I know he has not publicly stated why he has flipped. Your suggestion doesn't make much sense though, since Trump cozied up to evangelicals long before he became president, and Drudge supported him in 2016.
Before I go outside today I plan to put on my space suit and drink 16 oz of Lysol. I figure I'm good.
Well just wait. Biden will be much worse than him. No win situation for America. They are keeping him outta public as long as they can. The stories we will have to laugh at when he does start opening his mouth. Along with seeing who the next president will be that will be a true liberal/socialist lady president. Because Biden does not make it no more than 2 years. America will have its fIrst lady and socialist president. With this virus and the unemployment and economic collapse. Probably saying bye to America as we know it.
What a bunch of hyperbolic nonsense. Probably saying bye to America as we know it? Might want to step back from politics a bit cause it sounds bad for your health.
Sure sure. Right now there are third parties running, but they do not have access to ballots in all the states. The Democrats made sure of it. Thus, they have no chance. They aren't even on enough ballots to win 270. Like I said, there are only two choices.
There are 2 outcomes, not choices. I have an infinite number of choices, but it doesn't mean the outcome will be affected if I choose neither Trump nor Biden. I can choose not to vote for either, but the outcome will most likely be either of the two top candidates. To tell people they have 2 choices, or even those who are so set on thinking Trump WILL win and believe there is all but 1 choice is a dangerous way to think. Telling people they have 2 choices is why we are in this crappy political landscape in the first place.
I'm not just finding out his flip on Trump. And as far as I know he has not publicly stated why he has flipped. Your suggestion doesn't make much sense though, since Trump cozied up to evangelicals long before he became president, and Drudge supported him in 2016.
No it makes perfect sense. Got the quotes to back it up. But its his right to have and voice what ever oponion he has and for whatever reason. Im gonna pass on posting it and let it roll. Not the time or place. But its for this reason I stopped visiting that site as frequently 2 years ago. I will tolerate a lot of stuff even if its 180 of my political views, personal opinion etc. May not agree with, but its a free country, everyone is entitled to have their opinion and they, like myself are individually accountable for it.
But I draw the line in the sand for myself when it comes to my faith and Gods Word.
No it makes perfect sense. Got the quotes to back it up. But its his right to have and voice what ever oponion he has and for whatever reason. Im gonna pass on posting it and let it roll. Not the time or place. But its for this reason I stopped visiting that site as frequently 2 years ago. I will tolerate a lot of stuff even if its 180 of my political views, personal opinion etc. May not agree with, but its a free country, everyone is entitled to have their opinion and they, like myself are individually accountable for it.
But I draw the line in the sand for myself when it comes to my faith and Gods Word.
Honest question: are you saying you no longer visit Drudge because his views/lifestyle don’t align with your faith?

If that’s what you are saying then here is my question: How can you support the president? I mean, he’s a man who has—among other things—admitted to sexually assaulting women. Certainly you would agree that God is not ok with coming up behind women and grabbing them in their private parts, right? Mr. Trump has also claimed that he doesn’t sin and doesn’t need forgiveness. I’m genuinely asking, not trying to be smart. Thanks.
There are 2 outcomes, not choices. I have an infinite number of choices, but it doesn't mean the outcome will be affected if I choose neither Trump nor Biden. I can choose not to vote for either, but the outcome will most likely be either of the two top candidates. To tell people they have 2 choices, or even those who are so set on thinking Trump WILL win and believe there is all but 1 choice is a dangerous way to think. Telling people they have 2 choices is why we are in this crappy political landscape in the first place.
Ok, there are only two possible outcomes. What's the freaking difference! You can toss your vote in a garbage bin of any 3rd party you like... You would need a major split from one of the two major parties to get a viable third party. It has happened before but it needs to happen with plenty of support and well in advance of the next election cycle.
I mean, Trump isn’t wrong that disinfectant will kill the virus........because the host will die. I think that’s a case where the cure is worse than the disease, eh?
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