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Political Thread

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FACT CHECK: No, Trump Did Not Tell People To ‘Inject Themselves With Disinfectant’ Or ‘Drink Bleach’
By Ryan SaavedraDailyWire.com
U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a news conference in the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Thursday, April 23, 2020. Trumps handling of the coronavirus pandemic and the economic collapse has shaken voters confidence in him, with the percentage of undecided voters more than doubling in the last two weeks.
Michael Reynolds/EPA/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Left-wing activists made multiple false and misleading claims on Thursday following President Donald Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force press briefing in which the president commented on new scientific findings from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The activists falsely claimed that Trump “urged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant” and “told people to drink bleach.”

To understand Trump’s remarks, it’s important to first understand the full context of what was said at the press briefing.
Bill Bryan, Under Secretary for Science and Technology at DHS, said at the press briefing, “Our most striking observation to date is the powerful effect that solar light appears to have on killing the virus, both surfaces and in the air. We’ve seen a similar effect with both temperature and humidity as well, where increasing the temperature and humidity or both is generally less favorable to the virus.”
Bryan talked about the half-life of the coronavirus on surfaces like door handles and stainless steel surfaces, saying that when they “inject” UV rays into the mix along with high temperatures and increased humidity that the virus dies quickly.
“The virus does not survive as well in droplets of saliva, and that’s important because a lot of testing being done is not necessarily being done, number one, with the COVID-19 virus and number two, in saliva or respiratory fluids,” Bryan continued. “And thirdly, the virus dies the quickest in the presence of direct sunlight under these conditions.”

Ryan Maue



Half-life of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva droplets:

Virus does not last long in high temperature, humidity & sunlight.
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6:11 PM - Apr 23, 2020
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Bryan continued by noting that DHS also tested if certain types of disinfectant could kill the coronavirus.
“We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids, and I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes,” Bryan said. “Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing. Just bring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster.”
Bryan added, “We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.”
Immediately following these remarks, Trump said:
So, I’m going to ask Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.
A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”
“No, I’m here to talk about the finds that we had in the study,” Bryan responded. “We don’t do that within that lab at our labs.”
Trump then clarified his remarks: “It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big affect if it’s on a stationary object.”
Trump later raised the possibility of whether UV rays could kill the coronavirus if it was on a person’s skin, in particular if it were on their hands.
“If they’re outside, right, and their hands are exposed to the sun, will that kill it as though it were a piece of metal or something else?” Trump asked.
“I don’t want to say it will at the same rate because it’s a non-porous surface, but what we do know is that we looked at the worst case scenario and the virus lives longer on non-porous surfaces,” Bryan responded. “So porous surfaces, it doesn’t live quite as long, so in theory what you said is correct.”
Left-wing activist Chris D. Jackson wrote that Trump had “urged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant.”

Chris D. Jackson



Tonight the far left seems more upset about a report suggesting a former Treasury Secretary is advising @JoeBiden on economic policy than the fact that @realDonaldTrump urged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant.

This is our political reality in a nutshell.


10:07 PM - Apr 23, 2020
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Jake Maccoby, a former speech writer for the Obama Justice Department, wrote on Twitter that Trump had “told people to drink bleach.”

Jake Maccoby



Trump downplayed the virus then called for rebellion then told people to drink bleach, maybe it's time to stop taking his press conferences live


7:48 PM - Apr 23, 2020
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Others have repeated the false claims.
FACT CHECK: No, Trump Did Not Tell People To ‘Inject Themselves With Disinfectant’ Or ‘Drink Bleach’
By Ryan SaavedraDailyWire.com
U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a news conference in the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Thursday, April 23, 2020. Trumps handling of the coronavirus pandemic and the economic collapse has shaken voters confidence in him, with the percentage of undecided voters more than doubling in the last two weeks.
Michael Reynolds/EPA/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Left-wing activists made multiple false and misleading claims on Thursday following President Donald Trump’s White House Coronavirus Task Force press briefing in which the president commented on new scientific findings from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The activists falsely claimed that Trump “urged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant” and “told people to drink bleach.”

To understand Trump’s remarks, it’s important to first understand the full context of what was said at the press briefing.
Bill Bryan, Under Secretary for Science and Technology at DHS, said at the press briefing, “Our most striking observation to date is the powerful effect that solar light appears to have on killing the virus, both surfaces and in the air. We’ve seen a similar effect with both temperature and humidity as well, where increasing the temperature and humidity or both is generally less favorable to the virus.”
Bryan talked about the half-life of the coronavirus on surfaces like door handles and stainless steel surfaces, saying that when they “inject” UV rays into the mix along with high temperatures and increased humidity that the virus dies quickly.
“The virus does not survive as well in droplets of saliva, and that’s important because a lot of testing being done is not necessarily being done, number one, with the COVID-19 virus and number two, in saliva or respiratory fluids,” Bryan continued. “And thirdly, the virus dies the quickest in the presence of direct sunlight under these conditions.”

991 people are talking about this

Bryan continued by noting that DHS also tested if certain types of disinfectant could kill the coronavirus.
“We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids, and I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes,” Bryan said. “Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing. Just bring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster.”
Bryan added, “We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva.”
Immediately following these remarks, Trump said:

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”
“No, I’m here to talk about the finds that we had in the study,” Bryan responded. “We don’t do that within that lab at our labs.”
Trump then clarified his remarks: “It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big affect if it’s on a stationary object.”
Trump later raised the possibility of whether UV rays could kill the coronavirus if it was on a person’s skin, in particular if it were on their hands.
“If they’re outside, right, and their hands are exposed to the sun, will that kill it as though it were a piece of metal or something else?” Trump asked.
“I don’t want to say it will at the same rate because it’s a non-porous surface, but what we do know is that we looked at the worst case scenario and the virus lives longer on non-porous surfaces,” Bryan responded. “So porous surfaces, it doesn’t live quite as long, so in theory what you said is correct.”
Left-wing activist Chris D. Jackson wrote that Trump had “urged Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant.”

402 people are talking about this

Jake Maccoby, a former speech writer for the Obama Justice Department, wrote on Twitter that Trump had “told people to drink bleach.”

452 people are talking about this

Others have repeated the false claims.
He didn’t tell people to do it. But he did stupidly ask if doctors could inject people with disinfectant.
Good luck trying to ride Biden’s verbal gaffes to victory when Trump is out there essentially telling people to drink bleach and insisting to medical professionals that they test his deeply stupid ideas.

yeah this times a million......all these Trump supporters who think Trump is gonna crush in the debates must not pay very close attention to the ramblings and "riffing" Trump does.....he makes no sense...
yeah this times a million......all these Trump supporters who think Trump is gonna crush in the debates must not pay very close attention to the ramblings and "riffing" Trump does.....he makes no sense...
I can see the debates now. They'll go something like this:

Trump: I had tremendous success and made the economy tremendous and great. Anyone who says otherwise is fake news I was great.
Biden: Yes, I found what Obama did was great but have you ever considered playing golf with me?
Trump: We built a wall, you built lies. You sir are wrong. Go eat ice cream with Nancy.
Biden: That's not a bad idea.

Debate question: What are your plans for revamping the economy?
yeah this times a million......all these Trump supporters who think Trump is gonna crush in the debates must not pay very close attention to the ramblings and "riffing" Trump does.....he makes no sense...
Yeah, people that just totally hate Trump won't likely change their minds and would vote for Herbert the Pervert if that was who was running against him. We will just have to see where we are in November as a country. No telling at this point.
Yeah, people that just totally hate Trump won't likely change their minds and would vote for Herbert the Pervert if that was who was running against him. We will just have to see where we are in November as a country. No telling at this point.
If Biden is a pervert we have two running for president. The crotch grabber vs the creepy hugger
Yeah, people that just totally hate Trump won't likely change their minds and would vote for Herbert the Pervert if that was who was running against him. We will just have to see where we are in November as a country. No telling at this point.

The country will be divided no matter what. I am perfectly fine with that. You choose a side and go with it. Left, right, middle, whatever. In the end we are all selfish, we are all greedy, we all sin. You take care of you, your family and the "community" you belong to. I am 100% prepared for any outcome in November and beyond
It does not matter who the next president is. That President is going to have to raise taxes that America has never seen. Hyperinflation will also happen under them. Bankruptcies an unemployment in numbers never seen. A depression that will not end during their 4 years. Facing a war with China. Facing this virus. Which every single person will be exposed to eventually. Whether opening now or later. Virus is here to stay. Bottom line they will be considered the worse most hated president ever.
I believe the presidency has led Trump to God. And change him I’m not arguing that Trump used to be a bad person. But I do not believe he’s that person today. Just my opinion

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The leftwing media can and will destroy anybody they want to the level they want just ask Ben Carson. All it takes is that (R) beside your name. Trump didn't become a victim of identity politics until he became a Republican.
I wish we didn’t have a political thread in a weather forum to be honest.
Well we don't have to have any off topic threads at all. That being said most folks know what they are getting into when they visit these threads and what is going on here isn't any different than anywhere else.
The leftwing media can and will destroy anybody they want to the level they want just ask Ben Carson. All it takes is that (R) beside your name. Trump didn't become a victim of identity politics until he became a Republican.
Ummm Ben Carson did that all on his own by saying many stupid things.

Also, Trump is the same person he's always been. I guess you forgot about the 80s where he did stuff as he did with the whole Central Park 5 situation. He brought it all on himself then and still does to this day. Has nothing to do with the (R).
Ummm Ben Carson did that all on his own by saying many stupid things.

Also, Trump is the same person he's always been. I guess you forgot about the 80s where he did stuff as he did with the whole Central Park 5 situation. He brought it all on himself then and still does to this day. Has nothing to do with the (R).
Actually it has EVERYTHING to do with the (R). You put a (D) beside Carson's name he is a bonafide Rockstar. Trump was too when he was throwing all that money to the (D) side which is really all that Democrats care about. They love really rich people and really poor people. The rich fund their power and the poor blindly vote for them again and again and again. Hell you put an (R) beside Obama and he wouldn't have won an election as dog catcher
Ben Carson is a straightfoward example of book smart =/= actually smart. I mean come on. His idea that gay people are only gay because of prison? What?
My personal plan? Vote out Trump, get Biden in there, complain about him for 4 years, then vote in a competent, smart Republican. Or shoot, maybe by 2024 the two main parties will fracture into moderates vs extremists on both sides and either we get a moderate in office or we succumb completely into extremism
Lol Cuomo has it under control.

So in one post you imply cuomo isnt getting it done in terms disinfecting public transportation.

In previous post you applaud an idiot governor who is ignoring even the presidents own plan and reopening.

Looks pretty hypocritical to me.
The pro-Trump folks here defending even these crazy things Trump said yesterday means they'll defend practically anything he says. There was an easy chance for these pro-Trump folks to finally criticize him, but they just can't bring themselves to do it. Tribalism type bias to the max. It takes away from their credibility as they can't be trusted to be objective.

If Trump were to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and it weren't for self defense or to save someone else, I wonder what % of these same folks would criticize him.
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The pro-Trump folks here defending even these crazy things Trump said yesterday means they'll defend practically anything he says. There was an easy chance for these pro-Trump folks to finally criticize him, but they just can't being themselves to do it. Tribalism type bas to the max. It takes away from their credibility as they can't be trusted to be objective.

If Trump were to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and it weren't for self defense or to save someone else, I wonder what % of these same folks would criticize him.

I asked months ago about where the red line was for people so blindly supporting him. It was clear then and it's clear now that there will never be a line. He owns them now and they are incapable of criticism. The case was the same with many Obama supporters who so blindly gave him cover for all his blunders.

It's those people that allow the swamp to fester and sink us.
My personal plan? Vote out Trump, get Biden in there, complain about him for 4 years, then vote in a competent, smart Republican. Or shoot, maybe by 2024 the two main parties will fracture into moderates vs extremists on both sides and either we get a moderate in office or we succumb completely into extremism
after he ingets Lysol and follows with a bleach chaser, there may just be one in the wings already, already duly elected ...
Trump really has no business doing pressers anymore just let the experts talk.

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