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Political Thread

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I guess under the DPA they can and redistribute where they think its needed. I had only heard in passing of the feds dipping their hands in the cookie jar at suppliers warehouses not on existing shipments. Now I'm worried about my inbound ppe.
That’s the only thing the have dipped into on PPE from us. So far gloves, suits, face mask and other medical mask such as cotton have not been taken.
Another reason have to open back up. Hospitals not doing out patient surgeries is loss revenue.
Yes, staying closed for poorly predicted hospitalization rate due to Covid-19 could cause hospitals to close, thereby reducing the availability of ICU beds in case of a real emergency.
Yes, staying closed for poorly predicted hospitalization rate due to Covid-19 could cause hospitals to close, thereby reducing the availability of ICU beds in case of a real emergency.

Yes because in the event cases spike theres zero chance they will open hospitals and would choose to leave ICU beds closed. :rolleyes:
Well sure is pretty crappy of the Trump administration to do that after telling everyone they were on their own to get the stuff. Then they just swoop in and steal it from you? Yet you support the guy.
I do support him, at this time. That could change in November, if there is a better choice. Where do you think the Feds are sending that PPE?
Yes because in the event cases spike theres zero chance they will open hospitals and would choose to leave ICU beds closed. :rolleyes:
I was not referring to the Covid-19 scare. Hospitals have already seen closures in rural areas due to other underlying economic conditions. Shutting out revenue will affect the long term viability of more hospitals on the margins. Thus in the next real emergency, we will have fewer hospitals ready to go. Sure, you could build more when you need them, but how fast can you really do this?
Too much money in politics and congress without term limits. What could go wrong?
All of the measures being taken greatly reduce the rate of spread, that’s irrefutable at this rate & idk why you’re trying to argue it’s meaningless because the curve has flattened in much of the US
Hes referencing the recent antibody testing in LA. It shows the mortality rate at .1 which is seasonal flu turf.
Dont think he was denying The measures to flatten curve.

Point is if that antibody report is correct , then weve shut down the global economy for a virus with mortality rate way lower than 1st beleived. The caveat is the legitimacy of the antibody report out of LA. Havent seen it refutted, debated yet.
Outside of opinion shows on any of those networks, I don't see them getting away from the facts and science.
Youll never sale to anyone that the MSM isnt agenda driven,dominated by the socialist,globalist Democratic party. Yes fox is 60 % plus conservative , Rush . No one disputes, denies that. But you are a decade plus late to the game in public opinion persuasion if your gonna push the MSM as facts driven lol.
I do think antibody tests could reveal that corona has spread much more than thought, but I'd like to see more research here. I don't think you're going to know conclusively until you can roll out a good number of antibody tests in every state. That might take over a year.
Well sure is pretty crappy of the Trump administration to do that after telling everyone they were on their own to get the stuff. Then they just swoop in and steal it from you? Yet you support the guy.
I think you are confused. The Trump administration gets way too much credit for everything our government does. Just remember. The Democrats control a large portion of this. Don't be so quick to place blame on one person. You might be surprised to know who made that decision.
Nancy Pelosi’s ice cream video is a good indication that the ‘COVID-19 crisis’ is a Democratic political hoax. She was is not the least concerned

COVID is a Democratic hoax? LOL so they got the whole world in on it too huh? All those dead folks? Yep it's all just a hoax to get your Dear Leader.
Nancy Pelosi’s ice cream video is a good indication that the ‘COVID-19 crisis’ is a Democratic political hoax. She was is not the least concerned

I think you're taking things out of context. It shows how inconsiderate she is because she's in the upper class, but it in no way justifies that it's a conspiracy.
The manufactured crisis
And this is nothing but a political fueled thing to try and downplay the virus. That death toll would be higher had we all ignored safety measures. WORLDWIDE deaths are at 171k this morning and US ones are at 42K. I don't understand the love for showing other death statistics. This virus is a layer on top of that and more deaths were prevented with the measures put in place.
The manufactured crisis
So you are using numbers that are a month old to make a point? Seems pretty clear you don't understand how any of this works and how contagious the virus is. Most of that stuff on your list there isn't something you can catch and spread to others either.
So you are using numbers that are a month old to make a point? Seems pretty clear you don't understand how any of this works and how contagious the virus is. Most of that stuff on your list there isn't something you can catch and spread to others either.

Number ratios are the same if you update it for today

Have a blessed day

Trump 2020
Number ratios are the same if you update it for today

Have a blessed day

Trump 2020

The readers here are not stupid. You know as well as I that what you said is fake news and that corona has risen far more quickly ratiowise than anything else on this March 25th list since March 25th. How can you post what you did with a straight face? Of course, I can’t see your face.

Edit: Corona deaths have risen over 700% just since March 25 vs something like 30% for most of the others on your list.

Edit 2: The list posted as of March 25 has corona deaths just over 21k and they’re now over 174k!
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If this stud is true or even close. It does not matter what the world does in shutting down to wait on a vaccine or even testing. The test will never be 100% accurate. The cost of each test can not be paid for. Yes this virus has killed more than the flu and will for awhile longer. Eventually like the Spanish flu it will become more like a seasonal flu that herd immunity will build in everyone or the virus burns out. No one here can really believe the world can stay shut down till a vaccine is made or more testing. Wo economies injecting money into SS and taxes being collected. The govt down to state and county levels will all go bankrupt. Any road the world takes leads to more deaths. Money becoming useless will bring more deaths than this virus ever will. Also why most look at this virus. The oil collapse is no joke either. The govt. is going to have to step in and bail it out. The energy market collapsing is no joke. Hopefully economies opening up will start positive trends.
If this stud is true or even close. It does not matter what the world does in shutting down to wait on a vaccine or even testing. The test will never be 100% accurate. The cost of each test can not be paid for. Yes this virus has killed more than the flu and will for awhile longer. Eventually like the Spanish flu it will become more like a seasonal flu that herd immunity will build in everyone or the virus burns out. No one here can really believe the world can stay shut down till a vaccine is made or more testing. Wo economies injecting money into SS and taxes being collected. The govt down to state and county levels will all go bankrupt. Any road the world takes leads to more deaths. Money becoming useless will bring more deaths than this virus ever will. Also why most look at this virus. The oil collapse is no joke either. The govt. is going to have to step in and bail it out. The energy market collapsing is no joke. Hopefully economies opening up will start positive trends.

Who said the world should stay shutdown til a vaccine is ready? You’re being way too black and white about this.
Who said the world should stay shutdown til a vaccine is ready? You’re being way too black and white about this.
Correction. Staying shut down for awhile longer but in the fall if a second wave hits. We can’t shut down every time this virus spikes. We’re already in a deep recession. I’d prefer to stay outta of a depression.
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