Won't really matter who the nominee would be. If Biden sweeps in and gets the House and Senate along with it, then no true Conservative Republican could win a presidential election. Millions of illegals will be given the right to vote and they will vote very heavily Liberal/Democrat in large numbers due to the benevolent largesse of the party. With the parties so close in registration numbers, it would give the Democrats the edge they need and if you think that is a good thing then you should vote for Biden. This country is really in a no win situation now unless a viable third party candidate should beat both nominees, and that ain't going to happen. I fear violence will result no matter who wins the 2020 election because I think the media (on both sides) has successfully polarized the public to an irrevocably permanent divide. Yes I know this sounds like a doomsday prediction but I think it is inevitable now and I am saddened by it., and I don't have any ideas how to get out of it.