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Political Thread

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Lol love your neighbor but risk the cops lives for this. This governor is lacking brains. If those individuals choose to go to church then that’s their right. They can make their own choices. They are hurting no one. So risk police lives to track people down. So what put them in jail to risk others. The governor needs to understand in a couple more weeks things are going to open up. Most in his state are not listening to him anyway. I’d bet chances are he does not get another term when his time is up. Another politician that does not understand the constitution.
So Cre I take it you are ok with politicians making laws as they go? So when they deem churches are hate speech is that going to be ok with you?
I'm watching the press conference, and Trump is totally not a far right conservative. I'd say hes a big govt moderate republican at best.

he’s off the deep end today. He basically said he’s a dictator. Twitter is on fire about how bad a job he’s done today.
Do you vote more based on personality or things like supreme court, and limiting of the fed govt? The reason I ask is because voting for a Democrat would cancel out all of the things that you prob liked in the past, especially supreme court. And the Supreme Court is the only stopgap against the radical Democrat agenda from being implemented for all of their pet social causes of the month depending what month it is.

1. Are you forgetting about the 3rd arm of the Federal government, Congress?

2. How do you know that center left Biden winning would automatically mean a Supreme Court that wouldn’t prevent radical Dem pet causes from being implemented? My goodness, you’re making a whole lot of assumptions to get to that point! Even if Biden would somehow lead to all of that, there’s always 2024 to defeat him and reverse these things.

3. It isn’t just the awful Trump personality. It is that he often acts more like a King than a Potus. It sets a dangerous precedent.

Edit: This also addresses @LetItSnow post to me.
I'm watching the press conference, and Trump is totally not a far right conservative. I'd say hes a big govt moderate republican at best.
He's definitely not a small government one, although that's nothing new. But some views of his certainly align with the far-right (and "small government" arguably isn't far-right, anyways...Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Francoist Spain, etc. had very expansive governments, for example).

I watched the first part of the press briefing, and while it started good with Dr. Fauci, it turned into a propagandist tirade that was kind of disturbing to watch.
He played a nazi Germany style propaganda video to start the PC. He’s crazy af.

I found it more Soviet/NK styled with the over the top music etc.....either way it was disturbing and uncalled for to say the least and points to how fragile Trump's ego is and how he cant handle anyone thinking he is anything else but as perfect as he see's himself....which makes him very dangerous to have as president.
I found it more Soviet/NK styled with the over the top music etc.....either way it was disturbing and uncalled for to say the least and points to how fragile Trump's ego is and how he cant handle anyone thinking he is anything else but as perfect as he see's himself....which makes him very dangerous to have as president.
Of course. We have heard from the left before he was elected that he is dangerous. Well so far so good. Come November we shall see if your wonderful Biden can win. If he does hope you are ready for 4 years of same bashing the left has done for the past 4.
The president is one sick individual. His propaganda piece today just proves it even more. He is totally delusional and consumed with himself. What's more, if Barack Obama said what Trump said today about having "total authority," some of you would totally be outside your minds right now---but because he's a Republican (in name only, of course) it doesn't even bother you.
During a February 29 broadcast on NBC's "Today Show," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said that at that time the government was still not advising people to change their daily habits to avoid the coronavirus pandemic.
I can send you some from early Feb if you like?

We could go to the March 9th Whitehouse Briefing; these aren't gotta lock the country down immediately the sky is falling statements from Fauci

Q You’re up, Tony. (Laughter.)

More and more organizations, charities, are canceling fundraising events, other events. Is that prudent? Is that an overreaction? Do you think the President should continue with campaign rallies? And do you believe that people, even if they’re healthy, should get onboard a cruise ship?

DR. FAUCI: Okay, so there’s multiple different questions, John.

So the idea about individual entities — governors, mayors, or whatever — canceling activities that are not coming from a direct recommendation from the federal government, I think that they have the — I don’t “think”; I know they have the authority to do that. But what they’re probably acting on is what they would consider, for their citizens, an abundance of caution.

Most of the time when that happens, it usually is in an area where there is already documented community spread. And Dr. Redfield mentioned the four areas right now that are having community spread that’s documented. But you know there may be — as we know, it’s a rea- — it’s a possibility that there’s community spread going on in areas in which we’re not detecting it yet. And I think that’s the response of the individuals, be they mayors or governors, who have you, who are doing that. So I wouldn’t criticize them for that. They’re using their own individual judgment. And to me, I think that that would be prudent.

Q Campaign rallies?

DR. FAUCI: You know, I can’t comment on campaign rallies. It really depends. We are having — as we’ve all said, this is something in motion. This is an evolving thing.

So, not sure what we’re going to be able to say at the time where you have a campaign rally. If you’re talking about a campaign rally tomorrow, in a place where there is no community spread, I think the judgment to have it might be a good judgment. If you want to talk about large gatherings in a place where you have community spread, I think that’s a judgment call. And if someone decides they want to cancel it, I wouldn’t publicly criticize them.

Q I asked one last one about cruise ships because a lot of people are planning cruises over the spring break.

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Oh, that’s — yeah.

Q Would you recommend that anybody, even a healthy person, get onboard a cruise ship?

DR. FAUCI: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think if you’re a healthy, young person, that there is no reason, if you want to go on a cruise ship, to go on a cruise ship. Personally, I would never go on a cruise ship because I don’t like cruises — (laughter) — but that’s another story.

But the fact — the fact is that if you have — if you have the conditions that I’ve been speaking about over and over again to this group, namely an individual who has an underlying condition, particularly an elderly person that has an underlying condition, I would recommend strongly that they do not go on a cruise ship.
The president is one sick individual. His propaganda piece today just proves it even more. He is totally delusional and consumed with himself. What's more, if Barack Obama said what Trump said today about having "total authority," some of you would totally be outside your minds right now---but because he's a Republican it doesn't even bother you.
No hes addressing a coordinated narrative from MSM and the left [check the nyt,usa today,cnn ,msnbc) who cant win in November on their own idealogy verse the results his administration has accomplished. Plain and simple. Im not gonna sit here and defend ,promote Trump character. But I can say the same for every President in my lifetime post RR. Tired of the ole beltway swamp game. Finally someone isnt afraid to throw it right back at the MSM/ left and call em out for what they are. Not label conservative Christians as a hair tick for opposing the butchering of millions of innocent babies, have pride in God , Family,Country traditional American Values. Not fold and surrender to the global Socialist movement.
Trump has authority so what’s wrong with that? He’s the president for heaven sakes of course he has the authority. But he has people around him to help with his decision making. Hope he makes the right decisions going forward!

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The president is one sick individual. His propaganda piece today just proves it even more. He is totally delusional and consumed with himself. What's more, if Barack Obama said what Trump said today about having "total authority," some of you would totally be outside your minds right now---but because he's a Republican (in name only, of course) it doesn't even bother you.
I have not seen it. I do not watch them. To me every politician is corrupt. They all sale their souls to get elected. Some more than others. I look at it this way. He’s our leader right now. Come November we shall see what happens. Right now there are plenty of over the top Politicians. From the mayor of MI to the governor of KY to mayor of Chattanooga and many more. They are all garbage. Thing is liberals want total control and everyone living off the govt. socialism. Republicans so far don’t want that. Hence why I vote for conservatives because they do believe in guns and freedoms.
So on March 9th Fauci doesn't say the sky is falling and on March 13th Trump declares a National Emergency; that's a heck of a long lead time isn't it...

Yeah; that's a rhetorical question for a reason...

Throw enough rocks and that glass comes down right on your head..
Trump just publicly stated what many of us have known for a long time... he sees himself as king, emperor, tyrant, dictator.. take your pick. He effectively said screw the Constitution
Well he watched Obama for 8 years do same thing.
Of course. We have heard from the left before he was elected that he is dangerous. Well so far so good. Come November we shall see if your wonderful Biden can win. If he does hope you are ready for 4 years of same bashing the left has done for the past 4.

LOL......I am sure Biden is wonderful but he wont be getting my vote....it would take him picking a far right Dem or someone like Kasich as VP for me to be able to vote for him, and then I would be hoping he has to step down.....if Biden does win I will be against a lot of the stuff he does as many of his positions are those I don't support. Since he will act like a adult though I doubt I will have to bash him about his actual behavior towards others or complain about him belittling the office of President like the current yahoo in charge.
The president is one sick individual. His propaganda piece today just proves it even more. He is totally delusional and consumed with himself. What's more, if Barack Obama said what Trump said today about having "total authority," some of you would totally be outside your minds right now---but because he's a Republican (in name only, of course) it doesn't even bother you.

Trump is dangerous , he craves power, for most of his life he had his father to bail him out, Trump has never had to own any of his failures of which he has had many...he has had people reinforce his perceived greatness and stroking his ego letting him always believe he was the smartest man in the room even though he is usually the opposite....all of that leads to what we have today a man so consumed by his own image and ego that he actually thinks the video he ran today makes him look great and that Americans swooned over it and his awesome leadership when most eye rolled or gagged at the forced and frankly disturbing nature of it....the worst part of all of this is that at this point the only alternative we really have is Biden, somehow in Americans infinite wisdom and pool of greatness these two old rambling fools are the best we can find to run this great nation.....we as Americans own this, this is our fault for not demanding better.
Trump is dangerous , he craves power, for most of his life he had his father to bail him out, Trump has never had to own any of his failures of which he has had many...he has had people reinforce his perceived greatness and stroking his ego letting him always believe he was the smartest man in the room even though he is usually the opposite....all of that leads to what we have today a man so consumed by his own image and ego that he actually thinks the video he ran today makes him look great and that Americans swooned over it and his awesome leadership when most eye rolled or gagged at the forced and frankly disturbing nature of it....the worst part of all of this is that at this point the only alternative we really have is Biden, somehow in Americans infinite wisdom and pool of greatness these two old rambling fools are the best we can find to run this great nation.....we as Americans own this, this is our fault for not demanding better.

I’m still hoping for Kasich to come in and rescue us although it will be hard for him to win.
Trump just publicly stated what many of us have known for a long time... he sees himself as king, emperor, tyrant, dictator.. take your pick. He effectively said screw the Constitution

I assume you're talking about his power to open up the states for business, and I bet some moronic lefty lawyers on CNN and MSNBC told you he couldn't do it. Democrats are so gullible. Of course he could find away to lift the state's stay-at-home order. Every attorney learns about it in our first semester at school. It's called the commerce clause. What's that you say?

The commerce clause is the provision that gives legislative branch power over interstate commerce, and the Supreme Court has expanded that definition to mean any commercial activity that has an effect on interstate commerce (almost everything does). The President has the power to enforce the commerce clause for congress. If the President didn't have this ability, he wouldn't be able to use executive powers to create the healthcare agencies and programs that Congress granted in the ACA. The President can also allow businesses to open up in states with a stay-at-home orders, because those businesses use interstate supply chains and credit transactions that are processed by banks in other states. Most likely Delaware. https://www.cato.org/blog/wall-emergency-even-legal-under-existing-law-violates-separation-powers

The Doctrine of Pre-emption provided in the supremacy clause of the constitution means that federal laws and orders take priority over conflicting state law that would undermine federal law or action that seeks to govern interstate commerce. All that is required for the law or action to be constitutional is that there be a rational basis between the effect of the order and interstate commerce, and the court's will limit a power appropriately reserved to state's per the 10th Amendment to further the commerce clause action. For example, Philadelphia v New Jersey (1976), the Court struck down a New Jersey law that prohibited the importation of garbage into the state. Concluding that garbage was "commerce," the Court viewed the law--despite its environmental justification--as unconstitutional discrimination agains out-of-state commerce. The Court held that as long as reasonable, non-discriminatory alternatives exist that serve the states legitimate interests, they must be used instead of a discriminatory ban.

If the powers of interstate commerce fails to provide the executive branch with the power to lift the state's stay-at-home order, the President could just enact a state of emergency.
God I absolutely love Trump. I have never voted in a primary and I actually did this year. I voted for Obama on his first term but that was enough for me. Joe Biden is just so bland I don’t want more Obama policy is absolutely sucked in many many ways.
Trump is dangerous , he craves power, for most of his life he had his father to bail him out, Trump has never had to own any of his failures of which he has had many...he has had people reinforce his perceived greatness and stroking his ego letting him always believe he was the smartest man in the room even though he is usually the opposite....all of that leads to what we have today a man so consumed by his own image and ego that he actually thinks the video he ran today makes him look great and that Americans swooned over it and his awesome leadership when most eye rolled or gagged at the forced and frankly disturbing nature of it....the worst part of all of this is that at this point the only alternative we really have is Biden, somehow in Americans infinite wisdom and pool of greatness these two old rambling fools are the best we can find to run this great nation.....we as Americans own this, this is our fault for not demanding better.
I agree. The day comes when it will either get much worse or the American people revolt against this govt.
Trump is dangerous , he craves power, for most of his life he had his father to bail him out, Trump has never had to own any of his failures of which he has had many...he has had people reinforce his perceived greatness and stroking his ego letting him always believe he was the smartest man in the room even though he is usually the opposite....all of that leads to what we have today a man so consumed by his own image and ego that he actually thinks the video he ran today makes him look great and that Americans swooned over it and his awesome leadership when most eye rolled or gagged at the forced and frankly disturbing nature of it....the worst part of all of this is that at this point the only alternative we really have is Biden, somehow in Americans infinite wisdom and pool of greatness these two old rambling fools are the best we can find to run this great nation.....we as Americans own this, this is our fault for not demanding better.

Do you have anything substantive to add? You just don't have a single legitimate argument. These are just the same talking points I've heard for the last four years just re-arranged to current events. What about this video didn't you like?

You really think the worst part about the current situation is that you have no alternative? The worst part about of it is that the people who repeatedly fed you those stupid talking points about Trump are the same corporatist, establishment political hacks that convinced every Democrat that Joe Biden was their only alternative in the Democrat Primary. For over a year, they said Joe Biden was the only one that could beat Trump despite the fact that every criticism of Trump can legitimately be applied to Biden. Despite the man literally succumbing to dementia. Every Democrat saw Joe Biden groping those women and underage girls, and they still voted for him cause they told Democrats not to think about it. Just vote for him.

That's the worst part. I don't think there's anything more dangerous than the entire American media propagandizing for a single political candidate.
I assume you're talking about his power to open up the states for business, and I bet some moronic lefty lawyers on CNN and MSNBC told you he couldn't do it. Democrats are so gullible. Of course he could find away to lift the state's stay-at-home order. Every attorney learns about it in our first semester at school. It's called the commerce clause. What's that you say?

The commerce clause is the provision that gives legislative branch power over interstate commerce, and the Supreme Court has expanded that definition to mean any commercial activity that has an effect on interstate commerce (almost everything does). The President has the power to enforce the commerce clause for congress. If the President didn't have this ability, he wouldn't be able to use executive powers to create the healthcare agencies and programs that Congress granted in the ACA. The President can also allow businesses to open up in states with a stay-at-home orders, because those businesses use interstate supply chains and credit transactions that are processed by banks in other states. Most likely Delaware. https://www.cato.org/blog/wall-emergency-even-legal-under-existing-law-violates-separation-powers

The Doctrine of Pre-emption provided in the supremacy clause of the constitution means that federal laws and orders take priority over conflicting state law that would undermine federal law or action that seeks to govern interstate commerce. All that is required for the law or action to be constitutional is that there be a rational basis between the effect of the order and interstate commerce, and the court's will limit a power appropriately reserved to state's per the 10th Amendment to further the commerce clause action. For example, Philadelphia v New Jersey (1976), the Court struck down a New Jersey law that prohibited the importation of garbage into the state. Concluding that garbage was "commerce," the Court viewed the law--despite its environmental justification--as unconstitutional discrimination agains out-of-state commerce. The Court held that as long as reasonable, non-discriminatory alternatives exist that serve the states legitimate interests, they must be used instead of a discriminatory ban.

If the powers of interstate commerce fails to provide the executive branch with the power to lift the state's stay-at-home order, the President could just enact a state of emergency.

Nope, Trump cant force states to do anything when the reason the states are shutdown is public health related.....the president cannot override stay in place orders, or quarantine rules period...….even if he passed a emergency order what is he going to do when states ignore it or challenge it...….Trump is all bark with zero bite here.....
Do you have anything substantive to add? You just don't have a single legitimate argument. These are just the same talking points I've heard for the last four years just re-arranged to current events. What about this video didn't you like?

You really think the worst part about the current situation is that you have no alternative? The worst part about of it is that the people who repeatedly fed you those stupid talking points about Trump are the same corporatist, establishment political hacks that convinced every Democrat that Joe Biden was their only alternative in the Democrat Primary. For over a year, they said Joe Biden was the only one that could beat Trump despite the fact that every criticism of Trump can legitimately be applied to Biden. Despite the man literally succumbing to dementia. Every Democrat saw Joe Biden groping those women and underage girls, and they still voted for him cause they told Democrats not to think about it. Just vote for him.

That's the worst part. I don't think there's anything more dangerous than the entire American media propagandizing for a single political candidate.

LOL seriously.....dude your answer is the same tired old trope Trumper's wheel out every time, "liberal" talking points, Biden has dementia, MSM is evil.....worst part is you don't even see the irony in your answer after claiming I am the one not thinking for myself...…thanks for the chuckle.
God I absolutely love Trump. I have never voted in a primary and I actually did this year. I voted for Obama on his first term but that was enough for me. Joe Biden is just so bland I don’t want more Obama policy is absolutely sucked in many many ways.

Same origin story. Trump is more in line with the way business operates, where anything is on the table as long as it doesn't disr
Nope, Trump cant force states to do anything when the reason the states are shutdown is public health related.....the president cannot override stay in place orders, or quarantine rules period...….even if he passed a emergency order what is he going to do when states ignore it or challenge it...….Trump is all bark with zero bite here.....

Dude, he can't force the states to lift the state order, but he can make it legal for businesses to open despite the stay-at-home order. If a businessman opened in NY based on Trump's order and received a fine from the state, federal pre-emption law would not only force the courts to remove the fine, but also order injunctive relief for all business owners that are fined in the future. The state may be penalized in the future if they continue to fine individuals in violation of the injunction.

It doesn't matter if the states ignore it, the stay-at-home order is effectively lifted on businesses.
All I gotta say is some of you people must have miserable lives just waiting to give a thumbs down on a post, (it must feel great)and constant negativity and same ole arguements brought over from the impeachment. Choose to be happy.
LOL seriously.....dude your answer is the same tired old trope Trumper's wheel out every time, "liberal" talking points, Biden has dementia, MSM is evil.....worst part is you don't even see the irony in your answer after claiming I am the one not thinking for myself...…thanks for the chuckle.

What does that have to do with the validity of my argument against the media? Nothing. I wasn't even talking about Trump, but the obvious bias against Sanders in favor of Biden. Are you saying the US media didn't consistently support Biden during the Democrat Primary? Did they not attack Sanders more than Biden? After his win in Nevada, CNN's coverage of Sanders was three times more negative than Biden, and the coverage of Biden after his victory in South Carolina was neutral instead of negative. Biden was covered in 43% of US news stories, doubling Bernie Sanders and eclipsing every other alternative, moderate candidate in the race.

Yeah. Biden has dementia. I realized that in his famous South Carolina kid-rubbing speech. The man repeatedly didn't know what office his was running for or what state he was in. He groped at least a half-dozen women during the campaign despite being repeatedly told not do it anymore, and constantly misremembered the faces and names of people close to him. I've seen both dementia and age-related mental decline in my family. I don't need the media to tell me that Biden has the former, and Trump has the latter.
Same origin story. Trump is more in line with the way business operates, where anything is on the table as long as it doesn't disr

Dude, he can't force the states to lift the state order, but he can make it legal for businesses to open despite the stay-at-home order. If a businessman opened in NY based on Trump's order and received a fine from the state, federal pre-emption law would not only force the courts to remove the fine, but also order injunctive relief for all business owners that are fined in the future. The state may be penalized in the future if they continue to fine individuals in violation of the injunction.

It doesn't matter if the states ignore it, the stay-at-home order is effectively lifted on businesses.

Well this article says Trump cant order businesses back open, at best Trump can try and end up in the SCOTUS where he probably loses. Look Trump is wrong here he does not call the shots on this, the president cant force states to do anything legally....the Constitution is pretty clear on these separation of powers regardless of how much it pisses Trump off....even with the SCOTUS being stacked in favor of the right most of those guys thankfully are strict Constitutionalist Originalist and apply the rules correctly and someone like Trump will lose in the SCOTUS a lot trying to bend the rules around separation of power....

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