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Political Thread

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I try not to get too much into politics on boards but just my two cents. I'm obviuosly conservative. I did not vote for Trump but did vote republican. As everyone knows, Trump is a true Narcissist and can be a real juvenile on twitter and in the moment. He is not the persona I really want the president to have (and that's probably true for a lot of conservatives) but he at least pushes for a lot of conservative values. While I get he comes across as a jerk (never met him so...), I just don't know how people on the left can play the character card after Bill and Hillary. Bill seemed like an absolute slime ball and Hillary wasn't much better. I really don't think Biden is much better and he truly seems to be having some significant cognitive issues that would concern me if he got into office.
I think it mainly boils down to who matches best with people's own views. Most people are willing to overlook the character questions if the candidate matches pretty well with their views, yet will readily toot the character horn if the candidate doesn't. The fact that many on the left loved Bill and many on the right love Trump is perfect evidence for this. On the other hand, we had Bush 43 and Obama, who both seemed to be pretty good guys. The opposite parties couldn't really go after their characters so they just disagreed with their politics. At the end of the day, both parties have had their share of shady characters. Sometimes there just isn't an appealing persona to choose from. 2016; Trump Vs Hillary, 2020 is likely Trump vs Biden. No nice guys (or gals) to be found there. You can't really fault people for voting for the person whose platform best fits their own, nice or not. There will never be a perfect candidate. No matter which side of the aisle, people have certain issues they don't feel they can cross over on so sometimes you have to hold your nose and vote for the one who at least espouses your views.
The primaries went bigtime for Biden so Sanders is done....the turnout for Biden and the numbers of women/black/suburban voters he is getting is very bad news for Trump. Places like NC/FL/OH will be in play much less places like WI/MI/PA...….
The primaries went bigtime for Biden so Sanders is done....the turnout for Biden and the numbers of women/black/suburban voters he is getting is very bad news for Trump. Places like NC/FL/OH will be in play much less places like WI/MI/PA...….
Those states have been in play for several election cycles, wouldn't expect this year to be different.

Keep dreaming about the turnout at least for now, look at the Republican numbers, they're extremely good.

If anything I'd say the Republican turnout and mixture of demographics at the Trump rally's mean this is going to be another wild one with surprises..
Those states have been in play for several election cycles, wouldn't expect this year to be different.

Keep dreaming about the turnout at least for now, look at the Republican numbers, they're extremely good.

If anything I'd say the Republican turnout and mixture of demographics at the Trump rally's mean this is going to be another wild one with surprises..

Dems outnumber Rep by a decent margin nationally, in 2018 the Dems had bigger turnouts than the Rep, the only reason Trump is even president is a handful of votes in MI/PA/WI, he wont get those votes again in NOV.

The Dems have been having record setting turnouts in these primaries the Dem based is as fired up as they have ever been and they have one singular goal.....Trump is in trouble with Biden getting the nomination.
Today marks 1,000 Cononavirus cases. Exactly two weeks ago we got this from POTUS:

Trump assured Americans at that February 26 news conference that the number of people infected in the United States is "going very substantially down, not up." Trump even bragged about the 15 cases at the time on US soil, claiming that "the 15, within a couple of days, is going to be down to close to zero."
Those states have been in play for several election cycles, wouldn't expect this year to be different.

Keep dreaming about the turnout at least for now, look at the Republican numbers, they're extremely good.

If anything I'd say the Republican turnout and mixture of demographics at the Trump rally's mean this is going to be another wild one with surprises..

Also, I believe you'll have more Democrats jumping ship and voting for Trump vs. the Republicans jumping ship and voting for the Democratic nominee...It won't even be close
Dems outnumber Rep by a decent margin nationally, in 2018 the Dems had bigger turnouts than the Rep, the only reason Trump is even president is a handful of votes in MI/PA/WI, he wont get those votes again in NOV.

The Dems have been having record setting turnouts in these primaries the Dem based is as fired up as they have ever been and they have one singular goal.....Trump is in trouble with Biden getting the nomination.

Biden is a wrapped up early Christmas present for Trump. He will mop the floor up with him. Biden has multiple corruption skeletons in the closet, not to mention he is suffering from dementia. The icing on the cake is the issues . Trump whether you like his character ,persona or not flat out has turned this country around the past 3 years.
If you think people werent runing from Globalism before after loosing our mfg base in this country , this coronvirus has magnified even more how we desperately need to get back to making things in America again. Espeacilly meds and steel.
Blue collar America ,like myself is behind Trump 100%. Thats why Dems lost the last election,you not only abandoned the American working man , you demonized him through your identity politics. So the ole Sunday morning church man ,who owns a gun or two, works 40+ hours a week living in rural America, believes in God,Family,Country, respects law enforcement,military,Ice etc still makes up a very sizable part of the electorate. If that isnt enough,Trump will get a minimum of 15-20% of the African American vote. He doesn't sit around and talk,promise on issues like second chance and prison reform, inner city rebuilding. He delivers on them. Its hard to beat a man whos deleivered on what he said he would.
Dems outnumber Rep by a decent margin nationally, in 2018 the Dems had bigger turnouts than the Rep, the only reason Trump is even president is a handful of votes in MI/PA/WI, he wont get those votes again in NOV.

The Dems have been having record setting turnouts in these primaries the Dem based is as fired up as they have ever been and they have one singular goal.....Trump is in trouble with Biden getting the nomination.

Looks like Trumps base is pretty fired up as well.

I’d also think that the Democrats big advantages are in states where it will not greatly contribute to election such as NY and CA.

Biden is a wrapped up early Christmas present for Trump. He will mop the floor up with him. Biden has multiple corruption skeletons in the closet, not to mention he is suffering from dementia. The icing on the cake is the issues . Trump whether you like his character ,persona or not flat out has turned this country around the past 3 years.
If you think people werent runing from Globalism before after loosing our mfg base in this country , this coronvirus has magnified even more how we desperately need to get back to making things in America again. Espeacilly meds and steel.
Blue collar America ,like myself is behind Trump 100%. Thats why Dems lost the last election,you not only abandoned the American working man , you demonized him through your identity politics. So the ole Sunday morning church man ,who owns a gun or two, works 40+ hours a week living in rural America, believes in God,Family,Country, respects law enforcement,military,Ice etc still makes up a very sizable part of the electorate. If that isnt enough,Trump will get a minimum of 15-20% of the African American vote. He doesn't sit around and talk,promise on issues like second chance and prison reform, inner city rebuilding. He delivers on them. Its hard to beat a man whos deleivered on what he said he would.

Meh show me the data, what you "think" based on your biased bubble means nothing....I can guarantee that Trump is losing blue collar American votes in the rust belt to Biden in a big way. The trend is not your friend if you a Trump supporter you guys will need a big NW trend before Nov.

Looks like Trumps base is pretty fired up as well.

I’d also think that the Democrats big advantages are in states where it will not greatly contribute to election such as NY and CA.

The problem is that base is small, hell Trump cant even get more than 88% of his own party, the Dems already out number Rep in the US, but really its all about the EC......and right now Biden being the nominee puts NC/FL/OH in play if Trump loses even one of those its pretty much over for him.
Meh show me the data, what you "think" based on your biased bubble means nothing....I can guarantee that Trump is losing blue collar American votes in the rust belt to Biden in a big way. The trend is not your friend if you a Trump supporter you guys will need a big NW trend before Nov.

View attachment 37063
Biden aint gonna recover your rust belt uninon vote, just like he will never recover your west virginia block. Your party aborted those guys last cycle.

Sure your convinced ole Joe will get the vote from the one guy whos face he got all up in yesterday as well lol. Keep drinking all that polling kool aid. It served you real well in 2016.
The problem is that base is small, hell Trump cant even get more than 88% of his own party, the Dems already out number Rep in the US, but really its all about the EC......and right now Biden being the nominee puts NC/FL/OH in play if Trump loses even one of those its pretty much over for him.

Most of that poll is noise with its one or two percent movement. For instance Biden was at 87% last time for support from Dems. Even in that poll you have large undecided numbers. If most people in that area are like me don’t like Trump, they won’t say it on a poll. Doesn’t mean they won’t hold their nose and vote for because he is the incumbent and Biden brings little different from HC to the table.

Never underestimate the incumbent.
Trump winning this year will hinge on several things IMO.

1. How the public perception of the coronavirus evolves from now until election day. How much does it spread and come November do the Americans feel like Trump handled it well or not?
2. How the economy/stock market is doing this fall. If we enter a recession and/or the stock market struggles significantly that will hurt Trump.
3. How does Biden do in debates? If he makes major gaffes or gets really confused, this could hurt the public perception of him as a viable candidate. Who he chooses as VP also may play a big role in how some people vote.

Ultimately I wouldn't trust any polling right now for these 3 reasons. We don't know how these 3 factors will evolve between now and November but these are the 3 key areas that IMO will play a roll in how many who are on the fence, independent or more moderate democrats vote. Just like polls didn't accurately account for the various candidates dropping out and endorsing Biden to swing momentum to him vs Sanders (even though we knew this would happen), I don't think polls right now will accurately account for how these 3 areas will shift over the coming months.
Sure your convinced ole Joe will get the vote from the one guy whos face he got all up in yesterday as well lol.

“You’re the best damn workers in the world!” Biden shouted through a megaphone at the auto plant as workers in hard hats chanted, “Joe! Joe!”

I know a lot of people are Bernie movement or bust. They will vote Trump or not vote even if he endorses Biden. To think there is a challenge to trump would be foolish at best at this point. Could change but doubt it.
Not sure why Democrats and Liberals are focused on Biden. He won’t be president very long. His VP will be president. Biden’s health will do him in. Gonna be fun watching him and his vp destroy America. Then being able to trash the ones that voted for him just like they trashed the ones that voted for Trump last 4 years. Impeachment trials incoming. Love Karma!
One other factor that will need to be paid attention to is we're not sure how much of these factors played in in the rust belt states, and given that it was very close in those states 4 years ago, it is something to look at...

People disliking the Clinton family in Michigan/Wisconsin/Pennsylvania enough to do any of the following; not vote, vote for a 3rd party candidate, or vote for Trump.
Hillary not really campaigning in the rust belt.

As it is, those states swung to Trump on just 80k votes, and that's enough to put all 3 in the margin of error. For an example, although it could well have been fueled by recent momentum, Bernie crushed Hillary in Michigan 4 years ago, but he lost this time by quite a bit, and although I'm not totally sure on the number, I think it was something like 80% or so union voters that voted for Biden in that state (registered democrats, but even still).
Even with Biden not looking so great (Edit: looking downright bad tbh) on that Michigan video: in light of the virus spread, stock market plunge and recent polls, I’m afraid Trump’s re-election chances are slowly going down the ole Johnny flusher. He may have just lost the election.
Even with Biden not looking so great (Edit: looking downright bad tbh) on that Michigan video: in light of the virus spread, stock market plunge and recent polls, I’m afraid Trump’s re-election chances are slowly going down the ole Johnny flusher. He may have just lost the election.
You are going to be terribly disappointed in November if you desire to have Trump gone. Ive been hearing Trump is doomed since he was friggin elected.....He is facing Joe Biden. That's not exactly a clean up hitter.
Even with Biden not looking so great (Edit: looking downright bad tbh) on that Michigan video: in light of the virus spread, stock market plunge and recent polls, I’m afraid Trump’s re-election chances are slowly going down the ole Johnny flusher. He may have just lost the election.

You can’t put the virus spread and stock market on Trump. Any president in office would have the same issues right now. We also know from the 2016 election that polls mean nothing. Biden needs to rest up and prepare for Trump. It’s going to a long and media Armageddon in a few months. May the less crazy man win!

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Even with Biden not looking so great (Edit: looking downright bad tbh) on that Michigan video: in light of the virus spread, stock market plunge and recent polls, I’m afraid Trump’s re-election chances are slowly going down the ole Johnny flusher. He may have just lost the election.

I think it's a bit too early to say. Public perception will shift over the next 8 months, some people will make their decisions on election day. I do agree the current downturn in the market will hurt Trump but whether we are dealing with this 6-8 months from now (and how extensive it is), right before the election, is impossible to predict. Having said that, the key for many will be who Biden picks as his VP due to his potential health issues and the higher chance of the VP actually becoming the president if his health gets too bad. Hopefully he will go with a more moderate candidate, I would feel much better about things if he did. I still won't vote for him due to his views on things but I'd much rather have him and a moderate VP than a Warren or Sanders.
Even with Biden not looking so great (Edit: looking downright bad tbh) on that Michigan video: in light of the virus spread, stock market plunge and recent polls, I’m afraid Trump’s re-election chances are slowly going down the ole Johnny flusher. He may have just lost the election.
The ole boy has had everything you can fabricate thrown at him. Everytime your side thinks you have him pinned to the mat, you get expossed and off the canvass he comes and does an elbow drop on the left, mainstream media machine.
This virus is for real,not a made up fabricated coupe attempt like the others. But I gurantee you he is swinging for the fence to win [throwing kitchen sink at problem].

Its sad you guys are enjoying this virus,stock market plunge cause there was no way you could beat him on idealogy ,ideas or the results he was getting. But he will own it, cause that what leaders do. So American voters will tally it up come this fall. Ill do my best to suport the candidates that will promote, push for the values,ideas I think will make America stronger.
Win or lose the election has no affect on the fact the God I serve will still be on the throne. Just like everyday Ill just keep on serving him 1st and foremost. God ["you know,you Know that thing"],Family,Country.
The ole boy has had everything you can fabricate thrown at him. Everytime your side thinks you have him pinned to the mat, you get expossed and off the canvass he comes and does an elbow drop on the left, mainstream media machine.
This virus is for real,not a made up fabricated coupe attempt like the others. But I gurantee you he is swinging for the fence to win [throwing kitchen sink at problem].

Its sad you guys are enjoying this virus,stock market plunge cause there was no way you could beat him on idealogy ,ideas or the results he was getting. But he will own it, cause that what leaders do. So American voters will tally it up come this fall. Ill do my best to suport the candidates that will promote, push for the values,ideas I think will make America stronger.
Win or lose the election has no affect on the fact the God I serve will still be on the throne. Just like everyday Ill just keep on serving him 1st and foremost. God ["you know,you Know that thing"],Family,Country.

Show me evidence of your claim that I’m “enjoying this virus”. That’s a disgusting claim and I strongly suggest you edit your comment ASAP.
If you edit it appropriately, I’d then remove this post. Also, I’m not the least bit enjoying the stock market plunge.
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Meh show me the data, what you "think" based on your biased bubble means nothing....I can guarantee that Trump is losing blue collar American votes in the rust belt to Biden in a big way. The trend is not your friend if you a Trump supporter you guys will need a big NW trend before Nov.

View attachment 37063

The only value this chart has is to sooth your Trump hating soul!
Show me evidence of your claim that I’m “enjoying this virus”. That’s a disgusting claim and I strongly suggest you edit your comment ASAP.
If you edit it appropriately, I’d then remove this post. Also, I’m not the least bit enjoying the stock market plunge.

Reminds me of the same thing Don Jr. was saying at CPAC. It is disgusting.

The left wing media wants Trump to flub the corona virus outbreak. They want him to flub it bad. To think otherwise is blindness. When the liberal governer of the most liberal State in the country commends your efforts you know you are heading in the right direction. Unfortunately there are many who just cant seem to come to grips that the POTUS and his administration are actually doing a solid job.....
Wow this thread is becoming a disaster again of "You don't love America if you don't support Trump, or you hate Trump" again. Can we actually discuss politics like adults and not accuse one another of such?
The left wing media wants Trump to flub the corona virus outbreak. They want him to flub it bad. To think otherwise is blindness. When the liberal governer of the most liberal State in the country commends your efforts you know you are heading in the right direction. Unfortunately there are many who just cant seem to come to grips that the POTUS and his administration are actually doing a solid job.....
Everyone across every party isn't doing enough compared to other countries. That's why we have cases growing rapidly. What makes it worse is they're being hush hush about it and acting like everything is going to get better fast. They're ALL in denial and need to be held accountable.

I'll drop this here even though I know those that should read it, won't. The rest can read about the 28 misleading and dishonest statements the Trump Administration has made about the Coronavirus in just the last 2 weeks. Keep in mind, this is only about the Coronavirus and only the last 2 weeks. Imagine all the others that aren't Coronavirus related (like the stock market).

I'll drop this here even though I know those that should read it, won't. The rest can read about the 28 misleading and dishonest statements the Trump Administration has made about the Coronavirus in just the last 2 weeks. Keep in mind, this is only about the Coronavirus and only the last 2 weeks. Imagine all the others that aren't Coronavirus related (like the stock market).

CNN? Are you serious? You are right about one thing......No reason to even click on it.
CNN? Are you serious? You are right about one thing......No reason to even click on it.
Yes because there is only one source of information that you can use as a golden book of fact which who knows what that is to you. No need to criticize something without a valid rebuttal. Read it and compare it to other information before you deem it as fake.
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