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Political Thread

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"Morals in politics does not exist."

That's where we disagree. Your first sentence. Which is fine. I can at least hope for more from the most powerful leader on the planet than what I see on twitter daily. In another 4 years, I'll probable vote for a different Republican.
I see "religious" people every day defending Trump's reprehensible behavior because of Judges, freedom of religion, 2nd amendment, etc. And then saying he was the only option when there was Cruz, Kasich, Rubio and on and on. So they justify a man that had sex with porn stars and claimed to be "very pro-choice" for decades. Republicans have completely lost the ability to hold the moral high ground argument. I'm an independent that voted for Rubio in the primary 4 years ago but you can bet I'll be voting for Biden this year. Not all democrats want socialism either so that argument is pretty weak.

"Religious people" are not perfect and religious people don't demand perfection. Sure there were other choices. Would they have gotten the job done? Maybe, Maybe not....Trump has delivered on his agenda and I discovered early on, a really easy way to get past the twitter stuff. DONT LOOK AT IT! Problem solved.....Trust me it makes a huge difference when you don't invest emotionally in politics
" DONT LOOK AT IT! Problem solved.....Trust me it makes a huge difference when you don't invest emotionally in politics

Just like I told the other guy. That is where you and I disagree. Why should we not look at what our President writes? That just astonishes me that is your answer. Ignore it. Doesn't mean you have to get all emotional and bent out of shape. For me it means trying to replace him.
"Religious people" are not perfect and religious people don't demand perfection. Sure there were other choices. Would they have gotten the job done? Maybe, Maybe not....Trump has delivered on his agenda and I discovered early on, a really easy way to get past the twitter stuff. DONT LOOK AT IT! Problem solved.....Trust me it makes a huge difference when you don't invest emotionally in politics

I think a lot of the older folks don't even have a Twitter account...I don't have one....Don't want one
Just like I told the other guy. That is where you and I disagree. Why should we not look at what our President writes? That just astonishes me that is your answer. Ignore it. Doesn't mean you have to get all emotional and bent out of shape. For me it means trying to replace him.
Replace him with Biden? Lol like he is better in the moral dept.
Replace him with Biden? Lol like he is better in the moral dept.

I’ll just say it wouldn’t be hard for Biden or anyone to be better in the morals dept. Those aren’t exactly big shoes to fill. They’re actually microscopically small shoes. Also, Biden has a reputation based on decades as a senator of being much more of a unifier/compromiser than our “divider in chief”...in other words to act more like a leader of the entire country. Keep in mind I’ve voted mainly GOP going back to the great Reagan. I’m absolutely not anything close to a lib.
Again, this is shaping up just like the last election....2016 you had 2 choices: Trump or Hillary....People didn't know a whole lot about Trump other than he had a business background and NO political experience...On the other side of the coin, you had Hillary....Basically a career politician whose morals and ethics had come under great scrutiny....Thank goodness logic won out and Trump won....IMO, he has turned out to be an excellent President...For a change, this President is doing pretty much what he says he's going to do....2020, we will have 2 choices again: Trump or Biden / Sanders the way it looks now...IMO, Biden has or is getting dementia and Sanders is a Democratic Socialist or whatever the hell you want to call him....I don't want either one of them running my country....I know I don't want to vote for either of these 2 Democratic candidates, so that leaves Trump....That's the way you have to look at this, and hopefully a majority of the Americans will
Just like I told the other guy. That is where you and I disagree. Why should we not look at what our President writes? That just astonishes me that is your answer. Ignore it. Doesn't mean you have to get all emotional and bent out of shape. For me it means trying to replace him.

Look at it all you want but when you start dwelling on it to the point you want to replace him because of it, that is truly astonishing. I would understand it if he was an A-Hole and wasn't getting things done but that's clearly not the case for the majority of us
All it takes is get an idiot as POTUS like the gov of VA and boom ? goes the powder keg. If Biden wins then the VP will be president before his 4 years are up.
Guns & Biden....SMH

Yes morals he has lmao. He spoke truth when he said he’s working for him self! All he cares about is being called president and nothing more
Look at it all you want but when you start dwelling on it to the point you want to replace him because of it, that is truly astonishing. I would understand it if he was an A-Hole and wasn't getting things done but that's clearly not the case for the majority of us

I know plenty of people that keep their head in the sand with Trump. Even lots of family. I think it's because they are embarrassed by what he says and what he does that they know they would find it intolerable and yet they still support him. It's their way of coping. If they don't pay attention then they don't have to feel like hypocrites.
That unborn child is completely innocent and never given the chance he/she deserves. Over 60 million aborted, could've aborted the one who was going to find a cure for cancer or highly contagious viruses, we will never know. Why does an innocent child deserve to die? And I do support the death penalty as I detailed previously, to prevent them from killing again. I don't know, I can't figure it out, kill an unborn child with no fight at the drop of a hat, mention killing a killer and we're barbaric and protestors out of the woodwork to fight to keep'em alive.

I think abortion is horrific as well. It should only be used in case of rape, incest, and if carrying the child to term will cause harm to the mother.
I know plenty of people that keep their head in the sand with Trump. Even lots of family. I think it's because they are embarrassed by what he says and what he does that they know they would find it intolerable and yet they still support him. It's their way of coping. If they don't pay attention then they don't have to feel like hypocrites.
Lmfao! You are a complete idiot. Call me Trumper or hypocrite whatever you want when it comes down to telling it the way it is I’m glad he does. Go to store and find you some tissues!
Lmfao! You are a complete idiot. Call me Trumper or hypocrite whatever you want when it comes down to telling it the way it is I’m glad he does. Go to store and find you some tissues!

And you're not the one saying you don't read his tweets so it wasn't even directed at you. It obviously pushed a button though based on your reaction. Good for you in standing by your guy in what he says and does. You seem like a vile person so I can appreciate the infatuation. I respect that a whole lot more than the folks going to church on Sundays and acting like it's not big deal Monday - Saturday.
And you're not the one saying you don't read his tweets so it wasn't even directed at you. It obviously pushed a button though based on your reaction. Good for you in standing by your guy in what he says and does. I respect that a whole lot more than the folks going to church on Sundays and acting like it's not big deal Monday - Saturday. You seem like a vile person so I can appreciate the infatuation.
Curious are you atheist or Christian. You sure seem judgmental.
LOL Coming from the guy that just called me an idiot. ?
Yes. I have issues you calling people hypocrites when you don’t even know them. You call them hypocrites just because they voted for Trump and they’re ashamed of that? That is a complete uneducated moron statement! Sounds like a liberal Statement to me they are always right and everyone else is wrong
Yes. I have issues you calling people hypocrites when you don’t even know them. You call them hypocrites just because they voted for Trump and they’re ashamed of that? That is a complete uneducated moron statement! Sounds like a liberal Statement to me they are always right and everyone else is wrong

I didn't call anyone anything. I said people I do know don't want to feel like hypocrites. But again, your taking it as an affront to you personally for some reason.
On Twitter, Taylor continued criticizing the president, saying he couldn't tell his kids he was proud to support Trump.

“I think Joe Biden is the candidate who can unify all of the Democrats, and he’s the candidate who can appeal to moderates and Republicans like me who don’t want to see four more years of President Trump," he said.
I know plenty of people that keep their head in the sand with Trump. Even lots of family. I think it's because they are embarrassed by what he says and what he does that they know they would find it intolerable and yet they still support him. It's their way of coping. If they don't pay attention then they don't have to feel like hypocrites.

Have you ever thought that the people you are referring to simply don't put his lack of decorum on twitter at the top of the list of important issues? Believe it or not there are millions of American's that don't give a damn about brownie points and the cool factor of the president. Its like throwing up a middle finger to people like you. While we enjoy the good fortune that has come our way you stew like an emotional basket case. Its called TDS for a reason......You have 4 more years of it coming your way so you better buckle up
Have you ever thought that the people you are referring to simply don't put his lack of decorum on twitter at the top of the list of important issues? Believe it or not there are millions of American's that don't give a damn about brownie points and the cool factor of the president. Its like throwing up a middle finger to people like you. While we enjoy the good fortune that has come our way you stew like an emotional basket case. Its called TDS for a reason......You have 4 more years of it coming your way so you better buckle up

I don't know what brownie points or cool factor is. Obviously a lot don't give a damn when voting right after hearing "grab them by the P*****" comment before the election. I'm not stewing just because I've decided my vote should go somewhere else. It will probably go back to republican 4 years from now. That must be hard for some to imagine that only vote Red or Blue. And it could very well be 4 more years that I'm educating my young sons on respecting the office of the Presidency but also educating them on what is decent and what is not.

I will actually vote Trump if Bernie gets the nomination. My belief for capitalism is strong enough to overlook Trump's horrible morals (IMO you don't have to agree). Same would have been true if Warren got the nomination.

But Biden gets my vote. Buttigieg would have too.

You don't have to think everyone that disagrees with the President has TDS. In fact, I think it's those that refuse to see his wrongs that really have the TDS. And there is a younger generation watching. Those of us in the middle just call it like we see it.
Watch the video....Dang, I didn't know Joe was that smart....

I don't know what brownie points or cool factor is. Obviously a lot don't give a damn when voting right after hearing "grab them by the P*****" comment before the election. I'm not stewing just because I've decided my vote should go somewhere else. It will probably go back to republican 4 years from now. That must be hard for some to imagine that only vote Red or Blue. And it could very well be 4 more years that I'm educating my young sons on respecting the office of the Presidency but also educating them on what is decent and what is not.

I will actually vote Trump if Bernie gets the nomination. My belief for capitalism is strong enough to overlook Trump's horrible morals (IMO you don't have to agree). Same would have been true if Warren got the nomination.

But Biden gets my vote. Buttigieg would have too.

You don't have to think everyone that disagrees with the President has TDS. In fact, I think it's those that refuse to see his wrongs that really have the TDS. And there is a younger generation watching. Those of us in the middle just call it like we see it.

Well Im a results kind of guy. While I was serving I had a lot of senior chiefs, even high ranking admirals that make Trump look like Mother Theresa. I couldn't stand to be within a single click of some of them but I respected them. Why? Because some times you have to be a SOB and walk the walk. Trump is EXACTLY that guy. Among his many accomplishments he has at least taught some so called conservatives to stand up to liberalism....Of course he wont get those "moral compass" folks on board but that's ok. We don't need them for this go around in November.
Well Im a results kind of guy. While I was serving I had a lot of senior chiefs, even high ranking admirals that make Trump look like Mother Theresa. I couldn't stand to be within a single click of some of them but I respected them. Why? Because some times you have to be a SOB and walk the walk. Trump is EXACTLY that guy. Among his many accomplishments he has at least taught some so called conservatives to stand up to liberalism....Of course he wont get those "moral compass" folks on board but that's ok. We don't need them for this go around in November.

As Trump would say, "That was a perfect post"!! ?
Guns & Biden....SMH

And he "shushed" his female staffer. According to most liberal women, that should disqualify him right there

Healthy debate to me.

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That's not a good look for Biden. I was assuming he'd behave more like an adult than Trump, which I figured wouldn't be hard to do. Hopefully this kind of thing (losing his cool) won't occur too often in the future.
That's not a good look for Biden. I was assuming he'd behave more like an adult than Trump, which I figured wouldn't be hard to do. Hopefully this kind of thing (losing his cool) won't occur too often in the future.

Yeah it’s concerning to see him losing his cool like this. It’s not the first time though, he has done similar things at a few other rallies. One symptom that people with Alzheimer’s can suffer from is quick outbursts/mood swings. With his memory issues and these outbursts starting to happen it really makes you wonder if that could be an underlying health issue he’s dealing with.
I don't know what brownie points or cool factor is. Obviously a lot don't give a damn when voting right after hearing "grab them by the P*****" comment before the election. I'm not stewing just because I've decided my vote should go somewhere else. It will probably go back to republican 4 years from now. That must be hard for some to imagine that only vote Red or Blue. And it could very well be 4 more years that I'm educating my young sons on respecting the office of the Presidency but also educating them on what is decent and what is not.

I will actually vote Trump if Bernie gets the nomination. My belief for capitalism is strong enough to overlook Trump's horrible morals (IMO you don't have to agree). Same would have been true if Warren got the nomination.

But Biden gets my vote. Buttigieg would have too.

You don't have to think everyone that disagrees with the President has TDS. In fact, I think it's those that refuse to see his wrongs that really have the TDS. And there is a younger generation watching. Those of us in the middle just call it like we see it.
What I have a hard time rationalizing or understanding is with your personal view of Trump the man how you could say you'll probably vote Republican in 4 years but would choose Biden and his beliefs/policies over Trump/Republican policies.

While a lot of us agree Bernie is way out in left field I think Biden is not that far away, and if people choose him the down ticket will probably be affected so you'll get at least 2 years of policies potentially rammed down your throat you apparently don't agree with.

Seems like a high price to pay.

I've said it before and will say it again, my biggest fear of Trump was his big mouth, it's been realized however him over Hillary was a no-brainer, and he's pleasantly surprised me with policies, judicial placements, and putting America 1st as best he can.

The beauty of this Country is the ability to vote, so folks should do just that.
That's not a good look for Biden. I was assuming he'd behave more like an adult than Trump, which I figured wouldn't be hard to do. Hopefully this kind of thing (losing his cool) won't occur too often in the future.

Ill save you the montouge of clips. This is S.O.P. Surely this incident today isnt the 1st time youve seen this from him. You guys harp on Trumps character and the guy your getting behind is as corrupt,inept and anger filled as they come.
Good luck with that.
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