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Political Thread: The Sequel

This is the latest headline from NBC News talking about FEMA not running out of money. Just last week I saw an NBC News article questioning why fema was running out of money. This is just nonsensical. You can't change your position in a week or at least admit that they were wrong originally.

I can't imagine how much this invasion has cost this country the last 4 years. Federal and State level......Not just the money but the stress and damage it has done to our everyday lives.
My point is you all get in a hizzy fit if anybody questions anything that goes against the official narrative.. If the official narrative a week ago was one thing and they changed it you guys don't catch it.

The problem is most people do not understand what FEMA is or how it works....FEMA does not have helicopters, and trucks etc its a management team that comes in and provides federal money to facilitate relief efforts and to help victims of disasters with low interest loans etc. The funding for FEMA was not extended in the stopgap bill, so they will run out of funding in Dec. The budget is specific so money for one thing does not go to another etc...so no money is going to illegals instead of hurricane victims because those are separate funds and one does not take from the other.

In the end anyone running around saying FEMA didnt do this or confiscated aid or Cooper was blocking help to try and politicize this disaster to help Trump etc are assholes and liars...starting at the very top.

The problem is most people do not understand what FEMA is or how it works....FEMA does not have helicopters, and trucks etc its a management team that comes in and provides federal money to facilitate relief efforts and to help victims of disasters with low interest loans etc. The funding for FEMA was not extended in the stopgap bill, so they will run out of funding in Dec. The budget is specific so money for one thing does not go to another etc...so no money is going to illegals instead of hurricane victims because those are separate funds and one does not take from the other.

In the end anyone running around saying FEMA didnt do this or confiscated aid or Cooper was blocking help to try and politicize this disaster to help Trump etc are assholes and liars...starting at the very top.

I wasn't asking for a school lesson I was just talking in general about the media not being honest.
Fiction can be interesting in the worldbuilding itself. Someone out there wove a massive story that can be rational under a few assumptions that can easily convince someone. Does it make it real? No. It makes it an interesting topic but it stays more in the hypothetical but not realistic category.
I don't understand how we can categorically be 100% certain that we know everything there is to know about science and physics, number one. And number two, how do we know what kind of secret tools or equipment that governments or military organizations have at their disposal or what experimentation may or may not have taken place? Further, nobody on this forum, and quite possibly, nobody in the world knows how every atmospheric or physical process relates to every other.

I'm not saying weather control exists. But experience has taught me that when you start seeing hints, innuendos, intimations or what have you start being talked about in the open, you can almost always rest assured that it is the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

We don't even know how the pyramids were built. Some on here believe in aliens. Strongly believe. But the ability to impact weather in some way is impossible? (A concurrent belief held by some of our alien supporters) Maybe it is. But saying, "hey, you all are just dumb internet conspiracy theorists" seems equally as foolish as believing the former.

Again, I don't believe the government is controlling the weather. But refusing to at least be open to the possibilities that there is much we do not know, there are entities that possess technology we don't know about, and there are many, many things going on to which we have no visibility into seems like the riskier proposition to me. But to each his own, I guess.
Trump and his Jewish son in law Jared Kushner aiding and hoping for the death of the Palestinians so they can take the real estate…. Disgusting. Then claims he visited it lmao. “ there are two other civilizations and wiped out and started over amazing ..” the Middle East has been plundered by the west for too long. God is real and they will face judgement

From my viewpoint both parties have been lying a lot. Saying anything to try and win the election for their party. So many lies. What is really upsetting is how the voters are treating each other due to the party they align themselves with. So many are so blinded and do not realize their own party is also lying to them. I do feel like there are lot more extremists in the democratic party though. I have heard from some republicans that they are scared to even say they are republicans. Sad state for our country.
One of you tech savy youngbloods will have more success than me,perhaps you can post the link to the History Channel episode from 2009. Scrolling around and saw where she had tweeted this, so I stopped / watched. Pretty interesting info. Im not putting this out to agree or disagree, get into the debate. Wanted to just hand off the History Channel clip. Heres her tweet with the clip. Good luck finding if interested.

I don't understand how we can categorically be 100% certain that we know everything there is to know about science and physics, number one. And number two, how do we know what kind of secret tools or equipment that governments or military organizations have at their disposal or what experimentation may or may not have taken place? Further, nobody on this forum, and quite possibly, nobody in the world knows how every atmospheric or physical process relates to every other.

I'm not saying weather control exists. But experience has taught me that when you start seeing hints, innuendos, intimations or what have you start being talked about in the open, you can almost always rest assured that it is the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

We don't even know how the pyramids were built. Some on here believe in aliens. Strongly believe. But the ability to impact weather in some way is impossible? (A concurrent belief held by some of our alien supporters) Maybe it is. But saying, "hey, you all are just dumb internet conspiracy theorists" seems equally as foolish as believing the former.

Again, I don't believe the government is controlling the weather. But refusing to at least be open to the possibilities that there is much we do not know, there are entities that possess technology we don't know about, and there are many, many things going on to which we have no visibility into seems like the riskier proposition to me. But to each his own, I guess.

It's not about not being open.....hell true scientific method is the most open thing there is. However just because something is an unknown or possible doesnt mean it is true or happening.

I can discount steering hurricanes because again the science is undeniable, there is no energy source in possession of mankind in use on earth that can do it period. It's not debatable it's fact. People can believe that some how some way it is possible all they want to but it's 100% conspiracy whack job land they are in because there is nothing in real science that allows for it unless you got a star in your pocket. That's not being close minded it's accepting reality...

There has been a noticable shift since 2016 of people accepting all this pseudo science conspiracy stuff...stuff like flat earth, chemtrails, weather manipulation, anti vaccine, Qanon etc etc etc....its sad and disheartening how mainstream it seems to be getting...
24 days till the election. What is everyones prediction for the President, House and Senate?

Senate 52-48 rep

House 220-215 rep

Trump barely pulls it out

Make your predictions
Its extremely tough to predict when you don't know where the metro areas in the five swing states are with their ballot harvesting. I can only assume Trump wins Georgia now that most of it is cleaned up, but who knows with MI, PA, NV, and AZ. I don't trust anything, and when the intelligence community and cabals that actually run the country don't want the leading party nominee, we just don't know what lengths they are willing to go.

It will be extremely tough for them to ballot harvest 81 million votes this time, I think it falls back to the Obama years of the high 60s, or maybe they over achieve to around 70 million. Trump probably falls back to close to 70 million as well. It just depends on the ballot harvesting operations in the five swing states, particularly Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Maricopa County, and Milwaukee.

No way the Democrats let the Senate go, not a chance.
All these expectations of 300 EVs for trump.

If he loses the crying of fraud will be thunderous compared to 2020.

I've seen more Harris Walz signs than trump signs for the last several weeks. By 10 fold