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Political Thread: The Sequel

hey its possible man, anything is possible if we have alien technology and stuff....

Like a lot of things (various religions, etc.), there’s no way to disprove these assertions that the US government has advanced weather modification technology. But I don’t know why that would be the default view. In my mind, great assertions require great evidence, not the lack of evidence against it. At that point, I might as well say the government had mind control technology and the election is rigged by mind control. You can’t disprove it!

If the US government does have this stuff, I also don’t know why they aren’t using it to give Russia, etc. the mother of all droughts. Instead, they’re using it to steer hurricanes into their own country and causing $100+ billion of damage?

With sufficiently advanced technology, weather may be controllable, but I highly doubt we are there yet (aside from cloud seeding and the like) and once we are I think it would be obvious. They’d be using to to prevent natural disasters, not cause them!
Like a lot of things (various religions, etc.), there’s no way to disprove these assertions that the US government has advanced weather modification technology. But I don’t know why that would be the default view. In my mind, great assertions require great evidence, not the lack of evidence against it. At that point, I might as well say the government had mind control technology and the election is rigged by mind control. You can’t disprove it!

If the US government does have this stuff, I also don’t know why they aren’t using it to give Russia, etc. the mother of all droughts. Instead, they’re using it to steer hurricanes into their own country and causing $100+ billion of damage?

With sufficiently advanced technology, weather may be controllable, but I highly doubt we are there yet (aside from cloud seeding and the like) and once we are I think it would be obvious. They’d be using to to prevent natural disasters, not cause them!

Its not the US government exactly its the deep state or Rothchilds or Illuminati or the Pentaverate ( IYKYK) ya know whoever "they" are...
It wouldn't be surprising to me if we had the ability to alter the weather to a small degree on a local or small regional scale. It also wouldn't surprise me if we found out that the ripple effect from trying to alter the weather likely produces no result or a catastrophic downstream result
It wouldn't be surprising to me if we had the ability to alter the weather to a small degree on a local or small regional scale. It also wouldn't surprise me if we found out that the ripple effect from trying to alter the weather likely produces no result or a catastrophic downstream result

One of the most successful and documented case of cloud seeding produced a "whopping" 286 pools worth of snow....over 3 days.

“For three days there was cloud cover, but no snowfall, no natural precipitation,” said Katja Friedrich, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder, who helped lead the SNOWIE project. “We put the seeding material into the supercooled liquid cloud, and we were able to generate precipitation. And that was very revolutionary.”

Thanks to high-tech radar equipment, the scientists were able to monitor the response of the clouds from the moment the silver iodide was released into the air until the moment snow began to fall. Over the course of those three days, the scientists estimated that around 286 Olympic swimming pools’ worth of snow fell from the clouds they seeded.
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Like a lot of things (various religions, etc.), there’s no way to disprove these assertions that the US government has advanced weather modification technology. But I don’t know why that would be the default view. In my mind, great assertions require great evidence, not the lack of evidence against it. At that point, I might as well say the government had mind control technology and the election is rigged by mind control. You can’t disprove it!

If the US government does have this stuff, I also don’t know why they aren’t using it to give Russia, etc. the mother of all droughts. Instead, they’re using it to steer hurricanes into their own country and causing $100+ billion of damage?

With sufficiently advanced technology, weather may be controllable, but I highly doubt we are there yet (aside from cloud seeding and the like) and once we are I think it would be obvious. They’d be using to to prevent natural disasters, not cause them!
We do have very advanced technology (No I can't prove it to you) but I feel very confident in my assessment. Should this technology be used to better mankind absolutely and at some point it will but I told you why that's not the case now. Take GPS for a great example. It was being used by the military in the early 70's so why didn't you see it and get benefit from it until the 2000's? A because of scale, B because it was being used as a strategic military advantage at the time. This is the exact case in 2024 and every year beyond. Just about every advancement you see in technology came from military backed research and funding at some point. It's far easier to just dismiss technology that people deem as a conspiracy theory and be done with but that doesn't mean it's useless to discuss it. In order to look into these things without bias, one needs to first be open minded enough to understand the process. I have no clue how far along we are with weather modification or if anything was done to this most recent storm for nefarious reasons but I wouldn't dismiss anything. There are black programs out there that even our government doesn't know about
It wouldn't be surprising to me if we had the ability to alter the weather to a small degree on a local or small regional scale. It also wouldn't surprise me if we found out that the ripple effect from trying to alter the weather likely produces no result or a catastrophic downstream result
It wouldn't be surprising to me if we had the ability to alter the weather to a small degree on a local or small regional scale. It also wouldn't surprise me if we found out that the ripple effect from trying to alter the weather likely produces no result or a catastrophic downstream result
i stg if someone is messing with my snowstorms
Down here in Wilmington the battleship has been undergoing construction for some time as they can no longer deal with the increasingly high water. The road in and out floods alot. The parking lot floods all the time now. Must be those weather handlers adding more water for water rise

The whole thing about weather modification is interesting because the last month of sunny weather has really made me wonder(yeah ever since before Helene we've had literally no weather) lol not to mention how bad the last two winters have been...

I dont doubt they try and it's been recorded before for sure but I still don't think we have the capability to do it on a wide scale yet. There are definitely people who wish we did no doubt

But Helene and Milton happened because it's hurricane season and this stuff happens occasionally. It sucks it's Florida and NC but they are coastal states... It's not even unheard of. Florida had 4 hurricanes in 6 weeks before the 2004 election... And I don't remember all these conspiracy theories then. 2020 was insanely busy too right before the election and I dont remember this stuff I've been reading since Helene

Heck I mean this season was supposed to be way busier than it has been...
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The whole thing about weather modification is interesting because the last month of sunny weather has really made me wonder(yeah ever since before Helene we've had literally no weather) lol not to mention how bad the last two winters have been...

I dont doubt they try and it's been recorded before for sure but I still don't think we have the capability to do it on a wide scale yet. There are definitely people who wish we did no doubt

But Helene and Milton happened because it's hurricane season and this stuff happens occasionally. It sucks it's Florida and NC but they are coastal states... It's not even unheard of. Florida had 4 hurricanes in 6 weeks before the 2004 election... And I don't remember all these conspiracy theories then. 2020 was insanely busy too right before the election and I dont remember this stuff I've been reading since Helene

Heck I mean this season was supposed to be way busier than it has been...
Meh this is way to sane and logical to be in this thread delete it immediately...the amount of crazy on twitter right now about weather control makes me sad...maybe humans are doomed
Meh this is way to sane and logical to be in this thread delete it immediately...the amount of crazy on twitter right now about weather control makes me sad...maybe humans are doomed

I've been truly embarrassed at some of the stuff I've read tbh

And I'm afraid it's going to hurt Trump in the election if we don't move on
The formula doesn't show all the 3 letter agencies that will no longer require federal funding: 1st victim DOE. In addition to handing out money all over the world. Misses a lot more to.
Oh so then you are saying trump is behind 2025 and is going to fully Implement that plan?

Yall need to get the story straight
The problem is over the last 8 years "alternative facts" has become a very real problem. The amount of things believed without evidence or even the basic desire to see evidence is growing at an alarming rate
The whole thing about weather modification is interesting because the last month of sunny weather has really made me wonder(yeah ever since before Helene we've had literally no weather) lol not to mention how bad the last two winters have been...

I dont doubt they try and it's been recorded before for sure but I still don't think we have the capability to do it on a wide scale yet. There are definitely people who wish we did no doubt

But Helene and Milton happened because it's hurricane season and this stuff happens occasionally. It sucks it's Florida and NC but they are coastal states... It's not even unheard of. Florida had 4 hurricanes in 6 weeks before the 2004 election... And I don't remember all these conspiracy theories then. 2020 was insanely busy too right before the election and I dont remember this stuff I've been reading since Helene

Heck I mean this season was supposed to be way busier than it has been...
I certainly don't buy into the "It was done to stop people from NC voting" nonsense but destruction of areas to grab that land for it's resources I'm not so sure about. We send people to fight wars and die over resources without even flinching. If anybody thinks Iraq was about WMD I have news for them....IT WAS ABOUT RESOURCES! Terrorism was just the front door excuse. Ukraine is no different. There is a lot of shady sh*t going on in the mountains right now and it reeks of someone deliberately sabotaging the efforts there. On that note I don't get my first hand information from FOX news or the internet. I know several people up there including REDS team guys and gals that I have helped in the past it's sad and infuriating at the same time. The stench of death in some places is overwhelming a lot of these rescue people who are trained for this but not at this level.