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Political Thread: The Sequel

Despite me not voting for Trump back to 2016 (I also won’t this year) and despite Trump constantly telling lies, I hate seeing misinformation spewed from any source regardless of the side.
This is outright disinformation by the tweeter Ron Filipkowski:

He’s actually waving to people already at the rally, which is right there at the airport. This camera angle doesn’t show the people because they’re to the left out of view. Plus the sound of the people is drowned out. Ron Filipkowski putting out this misinformation doesn’t help his side because it gives the Trump folks ammunition. Ron has done this before with a supposed “wave to nobody” that was shown to be false by Snopes:

If you go to just after 36 minutes of this video of Trump’s arrival, you’ll actually see those same Trump waves from a camera in the adjacent rally location. You’ll see he’s waving to the crowd, which has many waving to him:

Ron Filipkowski can’t be trusted.
Honestly quite sad how much trump puts his name over any and everything.

He's like that retired athlete that takes wrangler jeans commercials now.
Mark Cuban so perfectly tells you how trump operates.

Two months ago I was asked to interview for a COS role with one of his companies. I pulled out after the first interview. He may talk a good game and his companies may make denero but if you ask the right questions you see it ain’t all what what it seems to be on the surface.
So Kamala lama ding Dong had a teleprompter and still couldn’t answer questions in “the interview”. Gave more word salad and we still don’t have a clear view of policy stances.
The number of Trump signs on the side of the road here in my part of NC has increased 10 fold since the Robinson story broke....they are in full panic mode as they see NC slipping through their fingers...

I get a few polls/surveys per week by text and have done a few on the phone, in every one I say I am voting for Trump.

Are there really people on this site that intend to vote for Kamala? And if so I would be interested for you to tell me why without mentioning Trump at all. I’m down to listen to what positives she has done and is going to do.
What you are likely to get is this answer:

Something like 'lesser of two evils" which is nothing more than a cop out. Many of us could have used that excuse with McCain and Romney and I'm sure some did but at the end of the day a person should vote for the candidate that aligns with their views and not have to apologize for it. As I type this the post above says it all from Tim Walz. We can't afford 4 more years of 'this". We can all rank the issues in what order we choose but the most fascinating thing that seems to go over some folks heads is the emphasis the left puts on censorship and controlling information. The left doesn't even deny it but the low information voter doesn't seem to care for whatever reason and that's why they target those people
Are there really people on this site that intend to vote for Kamala? And if so I would be interested for you to tell me why without mentioning Trump at all. I’m down to listen to what positives she has done and is going to do.
She’s not Trump. That’s why they’re voting for her.
I’ve never commented on this site about anything but who cares who someone is voting for. It’s almost as if someone that is not voting for trump is not logical and is some sort of radical. The amount of hate is ridiculous. The political forum sure did bring down the quality of the site. Why are you here I ask? Well I like to see others opinions about politics as well as weather.
I’ve never commented on this site about anything but who cares who someone is voting for. It’s almost as if someone that is not voting for trump is not logical and is some sort of radical. The amount of hate is ridiculous. The political forum sure did bring down the quality of the site. Why are you here I ask? Well I like to see others opinions about politics as well as weather.
The people here who don't like Kamala will give you 100 hundred reasons, the majority of those being policy or lack of. The people here who despise Trump will give you 100 hundred reasons, the majority of those reasons being personality. Huge difference in what seems to be most important to the 2 sides
Well the problem isn’t whether or not someone is voting for trump that makes them not logical or a radical. It’s the fact that someone would let so much hate for one man change their vote completely against what they know is right and would benefit them the most. Now that’s radical and illogical. Nobody wants to admit on the left that they were better off in every way the 4 years Trump was in office. And that makes a person seem not very smart.
Well the problem isn’t whether or not someone is voting for trump that makes them not logical or a radical. It’s the fact that someone would let so much hate for one man change their vote completely against what they know is right and would benefit them the most. Now that’s radical and illogical. Nobody wants to admit on the left that they were better off in every way the 4 years Trump was in office. And that makes a person seem not very smart.

I have a friend who hates Trump and he is convinced he will end Democracy...
The people here who don't like Kamala will give you 100 hundred reasons, the majority of those being policy or lack of. The people here who despise Trump will give you 100 hundred reasons, the majority of those reasons being personality. Huge difference in what seems to be most important to the 2 sides

Have you ever voted for a Democrat in the general for POTUS? If so, when was the last time? I’ve voted 3 times for Dems but the majority for Reps going back to Reagan (easily my favorite Pres) in 1984. For me the Trump turn-offs are mainly a combination of:

1. Extreme divisiveness from the get-go in 2015 and his treating his American political opponents as enemies rather than opponents. I thought Obama was quite divisive plus he was too lib for me overall. Thus I can proudly say I voted for McCain and Romney. Easy decisions.

But then Trump comes along and says “hold my beer”. There were a good number of other Republicans in the 2016 primaries whom I would have voted for in the general. Folks like Kasich especially but also Jeb (who turned out to be a low energy campaigner and thus blew his chances), Fiorina, and Rubio. Trump’s childishness of calling his GOP opponents by silly nicknames was a total turnoff.

We’re all Americans but he sure doesn’t treat many of those who don’t agree with him that way. His main tactic is “divide and conquer” as opposed to trying to unify us all to make our country stronger. He had a chance to do that at the convention like he claimed he would right after the July shooting. But after the first 10 minutes of his speech, which were excellent and encouraging, he blew that opportunity.

2. Had there been any chance for me to vote for him in 2024 (admittedly hard to imagine): his knowing that he really lost in 2020 but then trying to get the results changed like he literally did on the phone in my state via our great Sec of State killed any chance. And then on top of that I’ll add his influence and encouragement that lead to 1/6/21. And then he wouldn’t even attend Biden’s inauguration. It isn’t just about personality and mean tweets. It is also about actions.

Harris was lousy in her duties of her border position/czar. I feel there was nothing Harris did noteworthy in a good way as VP that I can point to except any influence she may have had on the admin bringing some Rx drug prices down for seniors (especially capping insulin at $35/mo.) as part of an Inflation Reduction package in 2023:

So, my vote for Harris would be because she’s not Trump, period. I’m not ashamed to admit this. With our state being so competitive, I don’t plan to vote for someone else.
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Have you ever voted for a Democrat in the general for POTUS? If so, when was the last time? I’ve voted 3 times for Dems but the majority for Reps going back to Reagan (easily my favorite Pres) in 1984. For me the Trump turn-offs are mainly a combination of:

1. Extreme divisiveness from the get-go in 2015 and his treating his American political opponents as enemies rather than opponents. I thought Obama was quite divisive plus he was too lib for me overall. Thus I can proudly say I voted for McCain and Romney. Easy decisions.

But then Trump comes along and says “hold my beer”. There were a good number of other Republicans in the 2016 primaries whom I would have voted for in the general. Folks like Kasich especially but also Jeb (who turned out to be a low energy campaigner and thus blew his chances), Fiorina, and Rubio. Trump’s childishness of calling his GOP opponents by silly nicknames was a total turnoff.

We’re all Americans but he sure doesn’t treat many of those who don’t agree with him that way. His main tactic is “divide and conquer” as opposed to trying to unify us all to make our country stronger. He had a chance to do that at the convention like he claimed he would right after the July shooting. But after the first 10 minutes of his speech, which were excellent and encouraging, he blew that opportunity.

2. Had there been any chance for me to vote for him in 2024 (admittedly hard to imagine): his knowing that he really lost in 2020 but then trying to get the results changed like he literally did on the phone in my state via our great Sec of State killed any chance. And then on top of that I’ll add his influence and encouragement that lead to 1/6/21. And then he wouldn’t even attend Biden’s inauguration. It isn’t just about personality and mean tweets. It is also about actions.

Harris was lousy in her duties of her border position/czar. I feel there was nothing Harris did noteworthy in a good way as VP that I can point to except any influence she may have had on the admin bringing some Rx drug prices down for seniors (especially capping insulin at $35/mo.) as part of an Inflation Reduction package in 2023:

So, my vote for Harris would be because she’s not Trump, period. I’m not ashamed to admit this. With our state being so competitive, I don’t plan to vote for someone else.
Yes you vote with your emotions FIRST. We have known that since Day 1