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Political Thread: The Sequel

If you missed out on your trump shoes, trump NFT's, piece of trumps assassination attempt suit, or trump mug shot, Dont worry!!! Now you can get a trump coin!

I agree with what you are saying (for the most part) but to act as if certain individuals or group don't come along in your lifetime and pose a threat to YOUR WAY OF LIFE is a bit disingenuous in my opinion. There are people out there, even in your own country that don't have your best interest at heart and while you personally may not buy into it, some of us do, mainly those of us who are older and more entrenched in life. I don't find it ironic at all that you brought up the 2008 election because that's when this all started (in my opinion of course) and I don't have to remind people who was elected that year. Joe Biden WAS NOT IN CHARGE of this country the last 4 years. That title belongs to Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and most likely a slew of others and that's going to be the case again if they aren't stopped. Again it may not bother you but I don't what your life is really like and how much responsibility you have to others. It's ok to think what you do, I'm simply implying that it's also ok to think the sky could fall on us because it's happening all across the globe not just here at home. If there is a small group of people, families, organizations controlling mankind (and you bet your arse I believe it) I have a right to speak up if I think it affects my family. With that being said you obviously have 2 groups pointing a finger at the other and saying the same thing, that the other is a danger. That is why you have a thread like this to begin with. To discuss what we see happening
You mean Blackrock. Obama is no more than a minion himself. The president is barely a press secretary for the permanent state. They require someone inept and compliant, Biden, Harris, Obama, Bush, etc.
The youth vote set records in 2020. It's about to set bigger records in 2024

Low information and low concern voters if it takes Hollywood to inspire them to vote. Awareness over issues should be enough to energize someone to vote. If people vote for any other reason they don’t know or aren’t aware of much.
The youth vote set records in 2020. It's about to set bigger records in 2024

If they all come out, Harris gets the White House, and the Democrats take the House and Senate. It'll be goodbye filibuster and hello to 2 new states and a packed Supreme Court to start with if it happens.
If they all come out, Harris gets the White House, and the Democrats take the House and Senate. It'll be goodbye filibuster and hello to 2 new states and a packed Supreme Court to start with if it happens.
They couldn't even do that with Obama. Hate to break it to you but Kamala is definitely not Obama.
It's a perfect description of the very thing trump does
First of all, all politicians use fear as a tool. To say one side does it and not the other is completely foolish. Secondly, Haiti is a third world violent, failed nation. It is completely conceivable for US citizens to have concern or fear where tens of thousands of Haitians are being dumped in their small towns with limited budgets. As far as his black comment, blacks still commit more than 50% of the violent crimes in this country. However, myself and others have already verbally assaulted this thread with crime statistics, the issue doesn’t need addressed yet again.