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Political Thread: The Sequel

I've yet to hear a single policy/plan from the republican side, other than to deport everyone and roll back taxes on the wealthy. How anyone can still support the Repub-MAGA party is beyond me.
I love the border argument and still cant seem to find one person that has had their job taken by an illegal immigrant. Religion and politics are not supposed to go hand in hand in this country and the extremist MAGA's want to rule like the Taliban in Afghanistan. (I'm a registered republican)
Yeah I don't know. I think I did see somebody say it was from last night but that really didn't make any sense. Either way what the hell he got on and why. Eye bleach. LOL.
This picture being framed like it’s from tonight’s convention, like half of the posts in this thread, is misinformation. It’s from 2 years ago.

Yeah I don't know. I think I did see somebody say it was from last night but that really didn't make any sense. Either way what the hell he got on and why. Eye bleach. LOL.
You're not qualified to attack her on things like her education and I assume this board wont let you use the N word so you resort to looks.
I didn't go to bed until Biden got done which was outrageously at 12:30. I could say many things and there is a lot to unpack. Anyone who has been in this journey, awakening and truth movement for all these years now, knows without a doubt that this is a battle and we are at the precipice. A battle between good and evil, truth and lies, the decent and indecent, the sound and unsound and the sane and insane. Which side is going to depict the future of this country? Buckle up. People are going to have to make a choice. 🙏
So... The US is just supposed to keep getting higher debt and nothing's ever going to happen?
Eventually something might happen, but to pay this down now, ALL entitlements would have to be cut off, including social security. How do you think the country would react to that? It would not be pretty, but I believe this is what many would like to see.
Eventually something might happen, but to pay this down now, ALL entitlements would have to be cut off, including social security. How do you think the country would react to that? It would not be pretty, but I believe this is what many would like to see.
I think social security would be the last thing to go. That's our money that we paid into. Just because something is hard doesnt mean you don't do something about it. That mindset causes inflation. We have enough oil underground to pay off the debt completely. But of course one party prohibits that. We wouldn't dare let these oil companies get any richer I'm sure.
Eventually something might happen, but to pay this down now, ALL entitlements would have to be cut off, including social security. How do you think the country would react to that? It would not be pretty, but I believe this is what many would like to see.
How is cutting the bloat out of the goverment not a feasible option?
I think social security would be the last thing to go. That's our money that we paid into. Just because something is hard doesnt mean you don't do something about it. That mindset causes inflation. We have enough oil underground to pay off the debt completely. But of course one party prohibits that.
It would have to go though, and the country will not stand for it.
In the speech last night from Biden he said raising taxes on the rich would raise 500 billion over 10 years.... That seems pretty miniscule compared to the amount of debt that we have. All this talk about raising taxes doesn't do enough. It's all just talk.
I don't think it's fair to say they don't love the country. They simply grew up in a different world entirely. That generation and to some extent Gen X that came of age and lived during the Cold War grew up in a security environment that us younger folks just can't even begin to imagine. Existential destruction from a "bolt from the blue" affected everything from housing policy to religion. It's the primary reason you saw Southern Baptists marry themselves to the rapture theory in the 1960s. It was a way to broadcast an illusion of control over a situation no one had control over. When the SU fell apart many boomers simply never adapted to the new world. They looked for something to fill that bucket of existential dread because they knew no other way to be.

Obama got a lot of flack for describing America as an "idea" much to the chagrin of conservative Boomers, but they largely made his point for him. They worship the idea of America that never really existed in the first place outside of a carefully cultivated image. I have members of my family still alive that didn't have indoor plumbing until Jimmy Carter was in office. The 50s and 60s weren't all that great in most places.
That Rapture theory as you call it. Aint some new,whipped up idea from man or some Coop relegious denomination from the 1960's. No offense but you are a million miles off the mark on this statement.
Also when folks talk about the 50s and 60s. True there was way less conveniences than now. Most households where blessed to have 1 car, not 2. Indoor plumbing etc. But most 18 an unders also had both biological parents living under the same roof. When they listened to radio, tv if lucky enough. There was a common decor, no profanity. Family unit was strong. Which is the main building block for everything else (churches,schools,workplaces). FYI,God ordained the family , before he ordained the church. When the ole nuclear family started getting disengrated, attacked, broken down over time post 1970. That is what has catapulted us to where we are today. Even in the African American Community as America was moving away as a whole from segregated society, turning away from its sins/errors. The family unit was so strong,thats how they made it, stayed together through those 150 years of oppression. Unfortunately now and not just the African American community,but all communities in America today,the Family has been beaten down and re-invented on purpose. The reason being to weaken America and move toward a globalist society. The ole nuclear Family is the sole foundation block That propelled America to become the powerhouse it became.
Today 80% + in the African America Community and right at 70% of Caucasian kids under 18 years old, DO NOT live under the same roof with both biological parents.
So you ask me, we where way better off then as a whole than we are now, despite the lack of technology,modern conveniences.
And so many aren’t willing to put any effort into bettering themselves to increase theirs. They would rather complain.
They have been conditioned to think they can't do anything. They have been conditioned to think it's rich corporations fault and not theirs.