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Political Thread: The Sequel

Nah, we could do way better than those two if we had ranked choice voting. And not just in national races, in state races too. We could have a much more representative government.
Who would you like to see have a shot at it.
Who would you like to see have a shot at it.
Think of the best, most competent leaders you know personally. Probably most of them would be better. I certainly know a few. However I live in Alabama, and its not happening for them in a two party system. If we had ranked choice voting, it could be possible. We could only get a modern Democrat senator a few years ago because he was running against a (widely known) pedophile.
At this point, her inaction at the border would be a big one. Other core issues for me would be her talk about defunding police and rhetoric sympathizing with Hamas based actions.
She's said she'll sign the bi-partisan border bill that came out of the Senate this year that Trump had pulled via his leverage over the Speaker. That bill wasn't perfect but it was by FAR the most conservative border bill that we've seen. It had real mechanisms to stem the tide of illegal immigration that in theory should survive litigation, unlike purely Executive action.
Yea, the General Assembly will have to once again tell the Federal Government "no" we don't want your matching funds to expand Medicaid, etc.
My state does that too, though I don't know why they draw the line at Medicaid funds. They gladly accept federal dollars for roads.
my core issues with Trump is the border failed during his term. Broken promises for four years. He also don’t care about human life with regards to that war or Ukraine and pandemic loss of life. friends and family died. And republicans TODAY say covid is fake. They will never have the black vote. Loss of life doesn’t go away. Who suffered the most? Minorities
Did he fly over all the illegals like biden has? Not really sure how important the small amount of walkers are, when your flying plane loads in all day everyday.

And for covid I'm sure trump was getting only the best intel over his regin of 4 yrs.

Ukraine you mean the deep market money laundromat? I'd be willing to bet that those ppl would be better off under Russians than zelenskey
She's said she'll sign the bi-partisan border bill that came out of the Senate this year that Trump had pulled via his leverage over the Speaker. That bill wasn't perfect but it was by FAR the most conservative border bill that we've seen. It had real mechanisms to stem the tide of illegal immigration that in theory should survive litigation, unlike purely Executive action.
We don’t need a border bill full of garbage pork and more money printing. We need the military! People are sick of this ----.
Voter ID and no mail in ballotts. All I ever asked for to begin with.
You'd get agreement on Voter ID from the D side eventually but mail in ballots are far too popular to go away. Both in R and D areas people love the ability to sit down and do their own research.
We don’t need a border bill full of garbage pork and more money printing. We need the military! People are sick of this ----.
Militarizing the border would be impractical and probably impossible. That doesn't even touch on the legal issues and foreign policy implications. It's very difficult to un-cross that rubicon of having military posted on our borders. That's old world stuff.
One day. Not soon. I know America isn’t ready for it. But believe me, I do believe. There should be political action to reduce the number of churches, graves and monuments. Land is limited and housing is needed. Some of these 1800 year old grave sites got to go. Too many exempt churches. Take them out of cities or propose limits.
The dem ticket is on fire right now. I mean the memes and jokes they are putting up are winning. The Trump campaign is faltering a bit. JD needs to get off the couch
The dem ticket is on fire right now. I mean the memes and jokes they are putting up are winning. The Trump campaign is faltering a bit. JD needs to get off the couch
man people are drawing cartoons of him making love to a couch. I know any even bad publicity is good but no no this just plain weird man