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Political Thread: The Sequel

It looks like it will be Suburban women (College educated people as well) vs blue collar men (and minority Men).
I would add the qualifier single and divorced men. That’s the current base of the T party.

Which goes to show how upside down tge current electorate is. Walz is the closest thing to a blue collar man on a ticket in ages. Army service, union guy, hunts/fishes, didn’t come from money, not a lawyer etc.
Walz will appease the left end of the Dem party but does little to perk the interest of centrists and independents. Trump and the Repubs are breathing a sigh of relief with this pick. I know Eric Holder has been vetting these candidates for days and there must be something in Sharpiro's closet that would be detrimental if brought out. I personally think Mark Kelly would have been a good choice at the top of the ticket but not sure if VP would be the best place for him. Winners today are the lefty Dems and Magas
I would disagree only because I’ve followed him for awhile. He’s very relatable to ordinary people and yes while pushing left leaning legislation he’s also gotten a lot through that directly benefits working families.

My personal opinion is the IDF stuff sunk Shapiro.
Walz will appease the left end of the Dem party but does little to perk the interest of centrists and independents. Trump and the Repubs are breathing a sigh of relief with this pick. I know Eric Holder has been vetting these candidates for days and there must be something in Sharpiro's closet that would be detrimental if brought out. I personally think Mark Kelly would have been a good choice at the top of the ticket but not sure if VP would be the best place for him. Winners today are the lefty Dems and Magas
Do you know anything at all about Walz? If you do, how do you think he's going to appeal to the left end of the Democratic party? He is far from extreme.
Now that the pick is in I can provide my two cents. (All that will buy you is a cup of coffee and that is about it) Kommiela picked the least objectionable person for the role. Shapiro is a habitual liar and covered up a Seth Rich style murder. (Well documented) There must have been something to the Kelly-Chineese connection that would have come out and been disater for her campaign. Even though Waltz is questionable he is the least questionable for the role. You see the illegally installed Kommiela, cannot afford major infighting at the convention. (That will happen but not as much now) She has to ensure that the convention goes as smoothly as possible and this allows for that. I do beleive there are more detrimental Kommiela cards to be played so lets see what happens. I have already made my decision. I am not voting for a communist.
Walz is just a fairly standard Minnesota Democrat, although I know around here, many are going to call that extremist, Marxist, etc.

It's a disappointing pick because it caves in to the left flank of the party in which many have been showing support for Hamas.
Now that the pick is in I can provide my two cents. (All that will buy you is a cup of coffee and that is about it) Kommiela picked the least objectionable person for the role. Shapiro is a habitual liar and covered up a Seth Rich style murder. (Well documented) There must have been something to the Kelly-Chineese connection that would have come out and been disater for her campaign. Even though Waltz is questionable he is the least questionable for the role. You see the illegally installed Kommiela, cannot afford major infighting at the convention. (That will happen but not as much now) She has to ensure that the convention goes as smoothly as possible and this allows for that. I do beleive there are more detrimental Kommiela cards to be played so lets see what happens. I have already made my decision. I am not voting for a communist.
From what I read yesterday Kelly had a horrible divorce in the past where he tried to get his ex-wife put in jail because she was living outside of a school district while taking her kids to that school. I don't know how true that is but that's what I read.
Walz is just a fairly standard Minnesota Democrat, although I know around here, many are going to call that extremist, Marxist, etc.

It's a disappointing pick because it caves in to the left flank of the party in which many have been showing support for Hamas.
If the pick caves in to the left flank of the party, then it probably is a more radical, extremist pick. Right?