Brick Tamland
Here's a summary of the 12Z GEFS/EPS and what it portends for the SE US from my perspective:
- Both models much colder in the 1st 5 days of Dec vs the last 5 days of Nov, when they're all (including CMC suite) clearly warmer than normal
- For the 1st 5 days of Dec. averaged out, the GEFS is colder to much colder than normal whereas the EPS is near normal
- Based on a clearly cold biased GEFS in recent weeks and a much closer to reality EPS, which I think has recently had only a small warm bias, my educated guess is that Nov 26-30 will average solidly warmer than normal and that Dec 1-5 will cool off a lot to the near to slightly colder than normal category averaged out, which I'd take in a heartbeat. Betting on the B to MB of the 12Z GEFS would not be a wise bet.
Just in time for the Christmas season.