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Pattern Mega March 2023

Just noticed that none of the 3 GSP stations (GSP, AVL, CLT) have recorded a temp of 32 or below since 2/18. Pretty crazy when even AVL hasn't been below freezing in nearly 3 weeks! :eek:
Same here. Last freezing temp was 19 degrees on February 18th. The closest I’ve been was 33 degrees a few nights back. January 2017 was the last time I had a stretch this long without freezing temps in the winter. 2017 was worse because that stretch was in January and in the dead of winter. I think the streak will be over here on Saturday morning.
Seems like temps trending up as the forecasts become more near term. The mid 40’s we are looking at next weekend likely end up in the upper 50’s. Solar radiation is too strong.

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one of my favorite things about owning cats is doing this thing with them where i dangle a toy in front of them and they get all excited and chase it and right as they jump and think they have it, i yank it away and they wonder what the hell just happened. don't worry, there's no connection between that anecdote and this snowmap ;)
one of my favorite things about owning cats is doing this thing with them where i dangle a toy in front of them and they get all excited and chase it and right as they jump and think they have it, i yank it away and they wonder what the hell just happened. don't worry, there's no connection between that anecdote and this snowmap ;)
The red laser dot works better. When you shut it off, just whoosh, disappears. Gone
Snow is on the NWS point forecast for the Triad now. Looks like a decent chance some N/W NC folks could see their first flakes of the winter this weekend and avoid the shutout. Doubt there will be accumulations, though, and I’m not very hopeful for anything out my way in the Triangle, but we shall see.
Personally I am ready for Spring now, I don't really want March snow as they tend to be slushy type and vanishes quickly. Knowing the Climo of the past 30 years, I think it likely that is what we see again here.