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Pattern March Thread

27.7 degrees this morning. That’s the last freeze for a while and my March snow prediction I’ve made all winter could be in trouble.
I'm not sure about the rest of the month. With the mjo wave really losing traction and getting into the CoD and the upcoming jet extension/retraction we might make another run at cold but I don't feel terribly confident
GFS still showing better patterns as we get close to around the 12 and after, hopefully we can get another couple of good cool shots and freezes before the heat and bugs totally take over.

I'll say it again, I'm still hoping for something crazy to happen between the 12th and 16th.....it wouldn't be an impossible stretch for the GFS to get there.....Central Alabama is starving for something wintry!

looks like our January storm in north Alabama
Interesting. We will certainly get our period of SER but models seem eager to kick it the hell out of here by the 10th or so give or take .. even some interesting members on the GEFS! I would expect at least maybe 1-2 rounds of severe weather before this with the battle between the SER and the bigger colder fronts trying to move by as well. Certainly not expecting winter weather obviously but it hammers down a somewhat colder pattern for middle March. A classic spring flip flop perhaps. 96C5EA10-1A33-4314-9AA7-76FB7F5859F1.jpeg8124C003-E8A6-41A6-93BF-17FCBABEA365.jpeg8E3D6F0E-F827-4D6A-8F2A-56B163D403FE.jpeg