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Tropical Major Hurricane Michael

I think people through all of GA, SC, and eastern NC, is going to be caught off guard. I think those 4 or 5 counties in northern upstate should be under the TS warning.

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Here in NC a lot of people are going to be caught off guard. Some of the people I work with think it's moving through Saturday instead of Thursday... and they think we will see only 20-30mph winds because that's what locals are saying. Euro and about every other model is showing gusts 60-70mph.
I understand. The HWRF-P slips slightly closer to the Florida line. a 50 mile shift that takes folks from nothing to something.

FFC Weather Dicussion
Hurricane Michael made landfall near Mexico Beach Florida as a
major hurricane at category 4 earlier this afternoon. It is now
making a rapid acceleration to the NE with outer rain bands
already affecting Central Georgia. The most immediate concern is
the tornado threat as CAPE values have increased to 2000 J/KG and
helicities will remain quite high through the entirety of this
tropical event. Tornado watch has been issued for all of central
Georgia and extending into the southern Atlanta metro.
What's the chance of this tracking further NW of Columbia sc?

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HRRR is showing some intense baroclinic enhancement over NC on the west side of Florence. Near hurricane force gusts over Wake County and as high as 74kts in gusts to the east.
