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Tropical Major Hurricane Michael

From another board who has a chaser near the Mexico City or Panama City area, here is what he just posted:

"People in a panic entering garage.
The bell has rung there’s no escape now.
Most people here are saying they thought it wouldn’t be this bad. Many folks in houses still.
They may not make it. Very sad. I’m surround by reinforced concrete.
Tonight will be a rescue/recovery mission."
Don’t look at the UK. This will only excite you I guess. Tracks right up your you know what.
It’s hard to buy the west tracks, you can see it already wanting to turn NE! Just don’t know how it’s hurricane winds in GA, basically skips SC and reforms over Bricks house!?
Don’t look at the UK. This will only excite you I guess. Tracks right up your you know what.
Still believe some folks going to be caught off guard in Ga/SC/NC, I know it's nothing compared to the catastrophic events unfolding but if someone loses power for a few days without food source or a tree crashes through their trailer and they didn't get out....
I sure hope people in SW GA are prepared. Lots of mobile homes in GA and i hope they are taking this seriously. People in GA are just not used to dealing with hurricanes so I'm afraid people will be caught off guard.
It’s hard to buy the west tracks, you can see it already wanting to turn NE! Just don’t know how it’s hurricane winds in GA, basically skips SC and reforms over Bricks house!?
How many NW trends have we seen, yes Atlantic ridge is weakening. Still either side of 85 corridor will result.
there hasn't been any wind to support it either...

but wind always lags so it may run out of time

They may pull it due to the other factors, such as spike in eye temp, increased winds in the NE and SW quad at both flight level and surface along with slp of 918-919. The current winds may no support it, but they may realize recon will not be able to get into the SE quad in time.
With the eyewall coming on shore now, I'm guessing this is as strong as it's gonna be. So if it's not a Cat 5 now it won't be. Not that it matters whether its a strong 4 or weak 5.
It’s hard to buy the west tracks, you can see it already wanting to turn NE! Just don’t know how it’s hurricane winds in GA, basically skips SC and reforms over Bricks house!?
I changed my mind. I don’t want any part of Michael. Not even the remnants. I’ll take my puking rain in early January when everyone else is getting snow
Wonder if they might decide to reclassify this after the fact when they can look at all the data more thoroughly.
That’s what happened with Andrew, originally called a Cat4 at landfalls, sometime later it was upgraded to a 5
They may pull it due to the other factors, such as spike in eye temp, increased winds in the NE and SW quad at both flight level and surface along with slp of 918-919. The current winds may no support it, but they may realize recon will not be able to get into the SE quad in time.

I could see that maybe

Could see either way
With the eyewall coming on shore now, I'm guessing this is as strong as it's gonna be. So if it's not a Cat 5 now it won't be. Not that it matters whether its a strong 4 or weak 5.
Still top 7 strongest hurricane to EVER hit US!!