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Tropical Major Hurricane Michael

I’m gonna go ahead and air this out. Global models did a sh** job with Michael and a sh** job with Florence as far as pressure and strength go. It’s almost like we shouldn’t start paying attention unless models are showing a mid grade Hurricane a few days out

Models are tools to be used in conjunction with the understanding of what they are best used for. The globals did a fantastic job of picking up on the RI signal that we saw unfold but they aren’t capable of fully forecasting just how strong it would get. This is where experience and other models like the HWRF can be useful.

Having said that the Euro and UK both had multiple runs showing 940s for pressure and a few 930s on the Euro. The FV3 and GFS consistently showed improving shear and quick pressure drops. Putting all that together and having the experience is how forecasting is done. Too many people model hug the verbatim outputs rather than using them as the tools they were designed to be. Just my 2 cents.
WSB had a live reporter in Thomasville Ga for their 5 and 6 o’clock news expecting that’s where the storm was headed but it crossed over or close to Marianna Fl with 120plus mph winds. They are about 40 miles west of the expected path.
Models are tools to be used in conjunction with the understanding of what they are best used for. The globals did a fantastic job of picking up on the RI signal that we saw unfold but they aren’t capable of fully forecasting just how strong it would get. This is where experience and other models like the HWRF can be useful.

Having said that the Euro and UK both had multiple runs showing 940s for pressure and a few 930s on the Euro. The FV3 and GFS consistently showed improving shear and quick pressure drops. Putting all that together and having the experience is how forecasting is done. Too many people model hug the verbatim outputs rather than using them as the tools they were designed to be. Just my 2 cents.
Why can’t we give human input before a model runs to let it know the current pressure?
Why can’t we give human input before a model runs to let it know the current pressure?

We do. Recon data as it gets closer to land.

The thing here is, while we call these models "bad" and "goofus" and "stupid", they're a lot smarter than we are and crunch a lot of data that we can't possibly do. We just give them algorithms and instruction on what to do.
Models are tools to be used in conjunction with the understanding of what they are best used for. The globals did a fantastic job of picking up on the RI signal that we saw unfold but they aren’t capable of fully forecasting just how strong it would get. This is where experience and other models like the HWRF can be useful.

Having said that the Euro and UK both had multiple runs showing 940s for pressure and a few 930s on the Euro. The FV3 and GFS consistently showed improving shear and quick pressure drops. Putting all that together and having the experience is how forecasting is done. Too many people model hug the verbatim outputs rather than using them as the tools they were designed to be. Just my 2 cents.
Mets were saying high end Cat3 with MAYBE a run at low end Cat4 before landfall. In actuality it was high end Cat4 low end Cat5 at landfall with Cat4 and Cat3 WELL inland. Idk I just refuse to pat the globals on the back when I know drastic improvement is needed
WSB had a live reporter in Thomasville Ga for their 5 and 6 o’clock news expecting that’s where the storm was headed but it crossed over or close to Marianna Fl with 120plus mph winds. They are about 40 miles west of the expected path.
Thomasville is east of Marianna...not west.
We do. Recon data as it gets closer to land.

The thing here is, while we call these models "bad" and "goofus" and "stupid", they're a lot smarter than we are and crunch a lot of data that we can't possibly do. We just give them algorithms and instruction on what to do.
Understandable. But if we know a Hurricane is, say, at 940mb currently and a model runs 15 minutes later and thinks it’s at 960mb how is that helpful in determining future strength and further inland impacts? We have people well inland dealing with a strong Cat3 right now
We do. Recon data as it gets closer to land.

The thing here is, while we call these models "bad" and "goofus" and "stupid", they're a lot smarter than we are and crunch a lot of data that we can't possibly do. We just give them algorithms and instruction on what to do.
This is what it was like when I was a kid and 1st contracted this unshakeable weather addiction ...


(George Winterling, Chanel 4, JAX)
Why can’t we give human input before a model runs to let it know the current pressure?
I agree on this one. In the past 48 hours I've not seen one global model that had a correct pressure at the current point. Frankly, it left everyone in the dark. Quite a credibility issue. A simple question like what will wind or pressure look like at landfall that is supposed to happen in 6 hours wasn't credible...just my 2 cents.
Lanie Pope now calling for 40-60 MPH gusts for the Triad (WS/Greensboro) tomorrow.
I would argue as devils advocate on behalf of Models that this particular Hurricane behaved in a manner of which most varirables and trends which may be part of Computer model solutions wouldn't have expected. It was became the 3rd strongest recorded Hurricane in US history and that doesn't happen without unexpected perhaps uncapturable data points.

Applying that logic hopefully this data is captured and used in future models to maybe pull closer to a better solution
I would argue as devils advocate on behalf of Models that this particular Hurricane behaved in a manner of which most varirables and trends which may be part of Computer model solutions wouldn't have expected. It was became the 3rd strongest recorded Hurricane in US history and that doesn't happen without unexpected perhaps uncapturable data points.
Just toss in a little human common sense and we're good ...
Mets were saying high end Cat3 with MAYBE a run at low end Cat4 before landfall. In actuality it was high end Cat4 low end Cat5 at landfall with Cat4 and Cat3 WELL inland. Idk I just refuse to pat the globals on the back when I know drastic improvement is needed

The globals did fine for their intended purpose of the track and RI signal. They’re not intended to be pinpoint accurate for TC intensity. For that the HWRF and HMON are good tools to use and they consistently showed RI and drops into the 930s.

Many times local and tv Mets have their hands tied and just repeat the NHC forecast. The NHC is good at what they do but in cases of RI they are usually too low with strength because of how they determine their strength forecasts. They also got burned by Florence recently so that played into them being a little bit more conservative with their forecasting I’m sure.
The globals did fine for their intended purpose of the track and RI signal. They’re not intended to be pinpoint accurate for TC intensity. For that the HWRF and HMON are good tools to use and they consistently showed RI and drops into the 930s.

Many times local and tv Mets have their hands tied and just repeat the NHC forecast. The NHC is good at what they do but in cases of RI they are usually too low with strength because of how they determine their strength forecasts. They also got burned by Florence recently so that played into them being a little bit more conservative with their forecasting I’m sure.
HWRF did a great job with Michael but like you said it was hard to buy into because it showed Florence as a buzzsaw and we all know how that played out
Understandable. But if we know a Hurricane is, say, at 940mb currently and a model runs 15 minutes later and thinks it’s at 960mb how is that helpful in determining future strength and further inland impacts? We have people well inland dealing with a strong Cat3 right now

Globals usually initialize too high when it’s an intense TC and that’s where the hurricane models are more useful. Globals are helpful for track and general signals, hurricane models are the next step to use for wind fields, structure, better initialization strength, etc. It is all in knowing how to use them as the tools they were designed to be used as and knowing their strengths and weaknesses.
HWRF did a great job with Michael but like you said it was hard to buy into because it showed Florence as a buzzsaw and we all know how that played out

Just about every model struggled with Florence intensity after the botched EWRC that never really got going again. There will probably be some interesting studies into what happened and hopefully that data used in future model implementations to improve their performance but models still did a good job with the track despite the intensity struggles.