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Tropical Major Hurricane Harvey

It's important to not remain transfixed on every little wobble of Harvey's eye as it approaches land, beta advection and trochoidal wobbles explain most of this variation atm and they're relatively small contributions in comparison to the large-scale steering flow, although as Harvey nears the col between 2 upper level ridges over southeastern Texas they may soon account for a larger fraction of its movement the next several days.
From NHC discussion....
Slow weakening is expected after Harvey crosses the coast since the center is not expected to move very far inland, and the cyclone is likely to maintain tropical storm status through Wednesday.
Btw, in case anyone was wondering, this is another great site with storm-centric radar loops of Harvey and it appears these don't suffer quite as much from radar attenuation as what you're seeing on COD (radar attenuation referee to when the radar echoes further away weaken due to intense precipitation between the echo and the beam)...
I almost just deleted the Harvey thread what happens when your on pain pills and muscle relaxers for kidney stones and kidney spasms. The live show tonight should be epic

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Ok I was wondering because my post disappeared then posted haha...

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I almost just deleted the Harvey thread what happens when your on pain pills and muscle relaxers for kidney stones and kidney spasms. The live show tonight should be epic

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I just had a stone zapped with a laser this week. Good luck!
~130 mph flight level winds in the NE quadrant. Surface still much weaker. Pressure still stable. Not sure how long it takes for these to mix down. ERC is still appearing to be incomplete, but it's getting there.

EDIT: pressure down to 947mb, dropping again.
I have several friends in the South-Central TX area and I have been tracking this with some of them, but one concern is sheltering needs. San Antonio is going to take in a lot of people from the coast, but will also need to take in people inland as epic flash and river flooding takes place. To add to that San Antonio itself could deal with some flooding.
Looks like the OEW has absorbed the IEW and Harvey is ready to make a run at sub 940 pressure now. Hard to beleive this thing was a depression or blip, wave axis what 48 hours ago. The drops in pressure this morning have been impressive all thanks to that warm deep water he's been over.
Looks like the storm surge is beginning. From NHC:

NOAA tide gauges near Corpus Christi and Port Aransas indicate
storm surge inundation of 1 to 2 ft is already occurring.