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Tropical Major Hurricane Harvey

Did EURO abandon the second SWLA hit and eastward track?

Shifted a little west that run . But it still has the second landfall . Image from wxbell

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Here we go again... that is a deeper drop. Each pass we seem to be getting larger drops. Last night it was only 1 mb at a time, now it is 5 to 8.

EDIT: recon has 951mb actually. Still a drop.
Watched a few minutes of TWC this morning and at that time Cantore said pressure had dropped 17 mb since they had come on the air.... I think it was 958 then so yeah wow!
Shifted a little west that run . But it still has the second landfall . Image from wxbell

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GFS has that second landfall as well.... going to be interesting to see just when the stall/loop/etc happens, this thing may never get fully on land man all indications point to Harvey being memorable!
The way the Texas coast is shaped and the friction from the land is gonna add to the strength of Harvey right before landfall. It will have no trouble with winds responding /matching accordingly with its pressure right before landfall.

GFS has that second landfall as well.... going to be interesting to see just when the stall/loop/etc happens, this thing may never get fully on land man all indications point to Harvey being memorable!
Yeah, i bet it never completely makes landfall before merging back in gulf. I notice the gfs started caving with euro with the loop. The nam actually is a bit east
Man, that's one pretty looking Hurricane. I couldn't imagine getting 8-10 inches of rain in a couple days, let along between 20-30. Hope everyone got out of there or is prepared, and hope all the chasers stay safe.