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Pattern Magnificent March

yeah, for some reason GA seems to fair better in nutty Marches... Knoxville northeast into the mountains is another story... I gauge my March love on snow/cold not severe. I hate tornadoes personally. Just my little quirk. I grew up in central Texas and spent an entire childhood in fear/awe of massive tornadic thunderstorms. And April 2011 cured me of my last vestige of interest in that weather phenomenon.
Yeah, I hate tornado severe too, but then I don't like roller coasters, or those things that drop you trying to get you to throw up, lol. Raw fear is over rated, lol. Tornadoes ruin lives, and take lives, like a drive by shooter...indiscriminately. Sure people get hurt or die in winter storms, but mostly because they left the house. Tornadoes get you in your sleep. So yeah, I always want those somewhere else, I've been close, seen the power and might of nature, and I don't need any more of that. Like being within 40 feet of lightening strikes. I've experienced that twice, and that's twice too much...but I can say I saw it..and I can say I'm suitably awed by Mother Nature...so, please, that's enough for me. Let someone else have the experience now, lol. Snow/sleet is so rare down here, it's almost as easy to get it at anytime, as get it at all. I know climo says Jan and Feb, but I've seen very deep snows in spring. No, I'm just going by blustery cold days, and nights, with that true winter feel...giving me one more chance at happiness before the long dark night of summer where all hope is lost, lol. I love March because it's changeable, and energetic, and the occasional surprise cold shot that can rival Jan. And I like wind, but sailing wind, not plastered up against the side of the house wind, lol. T
Oh hi

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It's not doing anything, so why care about the -NAO and EPO? I just see the large SER dominating the east, as the trough is in the west. If that stays like that, we all should punt away, as it seems to keep showing that ridge each time a map is posted.

It's definitely doing a lot, the southeast ridge isn't going to dominate the pattern for very long w/ a blocking high like that. The precursor Scandinavian block that precedes this and retrogrades towards Greenland is off the charts for several days.
Well. it is the GFS, 18Z at that, and way past truncation at the end, but here's to straw grasping ...


................................................................. :eek:
Lmao there are 2 max 5 degree blocking highs surrounding North America by Euro in the long range.
View attachment 4096
Impressive, to say the least.
Perhaps I'm missing something (even if it's something obvious it won't be the 1st or last time ... LOL), but it seems that all that's getting blocked is the warm air in and colder air out ... o_O
Be kind if I'm wrong ... :confused:
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At this point, I'll be happy with just a period of near or below normal temps along with dry air in early March. Curtail the bug celebrations a little bit. Drier air for more comfy walking. I think we'll get this then.
No one really ever talks about March 1971... also a La Nina year.. CHA had that winter's biggest snow in late March, on the 25th.. 4.5 inches. Also think that's the latest 4 inch or better snowfall since records kept. April '87 was only 2.8 officially. Although points south received more. Earlier in the month of march 71 Montreal had its 'Storm of the Century' with 16.7 inches in a 24 hour period. Pretty amazing to think Chattanooga has had more snow in a 24 hour period than Montreal, Canada, thanks to the Superstorm of '93, but life is pretty strange sometimes.
At this point, I'll be happy with just a period of near or below normal temps along with dry air in early March. Curtail the bug celebrations a little bit. Drier air for more comfy walking. I think we'll get this then.
I’ll be thrilled with nothing other then below normal temps to start March off with. At this point I’m not worried about getting snow anymore as it’s unlikely. No reason for me to get worked up in a pattern this bad for cold weather. As always I never completely give up on winter weather till mid March but it takes a lot more things to go our way in order to get snow that late.
Besides Webb, does anyone even understand 10% of HM's twitter posts? I mean, be honest, lol...