I should put a mping report for that since you did for a flizzard storm
I should put a mping report for that since you did for a flizzard storm
Honestly this upcoming pattern is looking a lot like the ---- that gave us tons of cold rain in the winter … certainly looks to have a lot of rain with itThis is going to feel amazing View attachment 87278
Hail! Worst storm since I’ve lived here!View attachment 87281
Hrrr has also been consistent recently with trying to pop thunderstorms around Raleigh later … we will see though I’m skeptical of everything at this pointHrrr goes with deep mixingView attachment 87288
And that results in hotter 2m tempsView attachment 87289
This is probably overdone since the hrrr is a mixing machine in its later hours
Y'all are close to hitting a hundo. Knowing my location I'll probably hit 99 and never go over 100. Always the case here. But it'll end up being instasweat as soon as I step out the door due to humidity lol.Hrrr goes with deep mixingView attachment 87288
And that results in hotter 2m tempsView attachment 87289
This is probably overdone since the hrrr is a mixing machine in its later hours
and it hasn't rained since last week. Bake bake city!Hrrr goes with deep mixingView attachment 87288
And that results in hotter 2m tempsView attachment 87289
This is probably overdone since the hrrr is a mixing machine in its later hours
Dews are pretty high though, if it brings it that low it must be mixing dews lower .The 3k with the convective explosion offshore that moves SW through eastern nc is something. It leaves this in its wakeView attachment 87293
The 3k with the convective explosion offshore that moves SW through eastern nc is something. It leaves this in its wakeView attachment 87293