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Wintry January 3rd-6th, 2018 Winter Storm The ARCC/Xtreme Weather Special

Here is the 12z CMC for you guys missing the data on TT:

Late bloomer for sure. Let's see what the eps says for sure. Won't take much to pull this back west
CMC H5 map; not bad; starts a bit earlier than Euro; less phase chance though:
We still have a lot to figure out with this one.

Not really. We need the wave to dig westward and turn more neutral faster and establish a SW flow. We can make out of this without a phase.
Sounds like if that happened a lot more real estate could be in play.
Not really. We need the wave to dig westward and turn more neutral faster and establish a SW flow. We can make out of this without a phase.
Yeah I’d feel much better if this shortwave was coming down through Kansas and Oklahoma vs Arkansas . We are walking an extremely fine line with the currrent setup. Thankfully it’s 6 days out but I doubt we see a 200 or so mile west shift with the shortwave track
Amazing to look at that Jan. 2000 storm and see how the models got it wrong for the most part. Can't wait to see what the EPS says.
Minuscule changes and that would have been some widespread foot plus totals over the Carolinas that run. We need to keep that wave farther west entering the CONUS. At least we are in the game, I'm honestly not sure what else folks are expecting at this lead time. How many winter storms have ever been modeled consistently from 6 days out?
Less than none ...