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Wintry January 3rd-6th, 2018 Winter Storm The ARCC/Xtreme Weather Special

Lack of -NAO here along with over strong SE Canadian vortex may hurt here, but you can not deny the potential when you have a 1050+ high in near ideal spot and energy rounding the base of the trough. This is the closest 500 maps we can get to what New England sees prior to their big nor’easters. I a.m. intrigued.
Lol even then why would anyone lose hope over a day six threat ?? Lol we’ve seen the models not get anything right past day 3
I agree, get hopes up or lose hope crazy this far out lol. but if you just read some of the comments on here and didn't look a the maps you would've thought the trends were horrible

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I agree, get hopes up or lose hope crazy this far out lol. but if you just read some of the comments on here and didn't look a the maps you would've thought the trends were horrible

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Exactly. I’ve already surpassed my average annual snowfall, I’m on house money for the next 2.5 months.
I agree, get hopes up or lose hope crazy this far out lol. but if you just read some of the comments on here and didn't look a the maps you would've thought the trends were horrible

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I think a lot of our more southwestern friends are bummed by the idea of a late bloomer, while us in the Carolinas like the look
Here is 12Z UKmet 500mb heights...even though don't have the vorticity mlmaps this far out or precip but little slower than GFS. Compared to GFS and GGEM same time frame.

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I think a lot of our more southwestern friends are bummed by the idea of a late bloomer, while us in the Carolinas like the look
This a great look for a board wide event . Obviously the NW flow is too progressive at the moment and the energy has too much stream interaction therefore we get a late blooming look. We need the energy to separate more from the norther stream
This a great look for a board wide event . Obviously the NW flow is too progressive at the moment and the energy has too much stream interaction therefore we get a late blooming look. We need the energy to separate more from the norther stream
Looking for either that energy to come in more to west or northern stream to pull to east which would also help push the H in NE out some right that would do the trick
I don't think that anyone in Georgia would regret even having a pseudo-repeat of this storm. My grandparents had just planted pine trees in their yard the summer before this storm and the snow was so high that it covered the fledgling trees.
I dont think people in North GA would want another event like this.
I think a lot of our more southwestern friends are bummed by the idea of a late bloomer, while us in the Carolinas like the look
Yeah I get it, I'm still waiting for a Winter storm so I'm more than ready for a late blooming ENC special

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I definitely wouldn't

Wow, I remember this so well. Here in NW Fla they closed down the schools, pretty much closed down the entire city.of Pensacola. It was a mess, but beautiful. I was 13 so I was thrilled just to see flakes, but to see 2 inches on the ground was glorious. Would be great to see that again, but I will settle for a few flakes as always.
FWIW, the 0z Euro EPS control has the system more north, off the SE US coast by 12z Wed. (12/3/17) Bringing moisture far north as the southern Appalachians.
Do you realize just how rare such an event was for areas south of Macon? It snows every year in North Georgia and it does down this way twice a decade at the most.

Oh lawd, I tried this with him and got shot down even based on far North Georgia. But the ending story with that is just because it might, it might not be a big event in the research I've done. Sometimes it's just snow showers.