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Wintry January 3rd-6th, 2018 Winter Storm The ARCC/Xtreme Weather Special

Probably belongs in banter.... oh Canada!
Wow snow for Tallahassee.
Ummmmm, the Euro actually liked the second wave in the 12z run. Yes it was late, but it showed a storm.
Looks like a I-20 south storm on CMC, I'm still not completely out on the New Year's threat either. Euro will tell a lot.
I definitely wouldn't write anything off yet. Way too much time. Also interesting to note that ECMWF is a bit colder than the GFS now for next week. Arctic air-masses can easily over perform. I'm not saying like what the GFS had been showing, but don't be surprised if this trends a bit colder again with such a strong 1050+ mb high moving south.
We shall see Friday system became a suppressed shredded mess I'm not convinced we don't have history repeat itself the NE and upper stream are brutal
I believe something big is being set up for the eastern Carolina's specifically. We've seen multiple runs where the coastal region of the Carolinas has had multiple hits on these model runs. In varying locations specifically to those eastern areas.

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