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Pattern January 2020 - Operation Thaw Alaska

The ECMWF is a hot mess at 500mb, at least 3-4 shortwaves yet to be resolved within the streamflow. Better phasing with the northern stream entities would produce a stronger surface low, colder surface temps, and more widespread snow (& vis versa). I definitely wouldn't be too worried about surface temps 9 days out given the complexity of this kind of setup
Not unprecedented. 87 wasn't a cold winter but enough cold with the storm itself to produce snow. This happened a couple of times that winter.


Day before the event.

It isn't just the storm. Look at the +PNA!

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Speaking of, look how poorly the models have been with the PNA region at a 10 day lead. Good god. Euro in third place during this period, not something I’ve seen before. Yuge fail by the euro here.

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Verbatim, wasn't a whole lot of moisture w/ it on this run because there's a lot of synoptic-scale sinking on that backside of the cold front behind the low over Maine but it's definitely closer to something.

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I think that first one is going to be more difficult to get something going, but lays the ground work for the bigger one after.
That storm was nuts, if I recall correctly we had quite a bit of ice with that one here, full grown pines bent over to the ground with a solid 1" of sleet on top....
Yes, we all did. I remember it as a major ice maker. Couldnt get traction walking on anything.