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Wintry Jan 15-16 Winter Storm Discussion & Obs

Mod+. Big flakes
Yes sir. Best rates of the day. Beautiful. I’m hoping we can keep this for a couple of hours before transitioning to sleet. I’m guessing we could get a solid inch of sleet as well. Every .1” of precip that falls as snow and sleet will be that much less freezing rain. With the winds, it’s not looking good for keeping power regardless. Glad to hear they have so many crews on standby.

I’m suspicious of the modeling that has us getting above freezing. What do you think?
Rain snow mix. People all around have been sending me pics with a lot of snow on the ground literally less than 5 miles from me. I’m about to go ride around the county and check it out
You'll probably change over soon keep me updated cause I usually get what you get soon after