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Wintry Jan 15-16 Winter Storm Discussion & Obs

Because this morning the bottom 10% is now the current forecast. So it would make sense to post the updated one in case things trend even icier. I won’t continue this discussion since I made my point and was already told to drop it. I just figured readers wanted to know the major changes from GSP.
You were told to stop posting the crap and to listen more….yet you continue to try to annoy people…enjoy the vacation if you get one.
Wayyyyyyyyy overdone. Did this with the last event. Corrects itself pretty much at the time of verification. Memphis with 14+…..lol!!!

Don’t the reports out of Arkansas give you pause? I mean likely overdone but not as crazy as what I would have thought earlier today.

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Old weather board saying is "to delay is not the way".....so faster is good!
Was going to say the same thing on that message too. Faster precip into a colder than expected column is probably going to crank out some extra hours of snow for a lot of folks.
Already around 42 degrees here in the valley in northeast Birmingham at my parents house. Cold cold rain.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but in the February 2014 storm, didn’t Birmingham get plastered by the ULL and models weren’t showing it until just a few hours before the event? I seem to remember tracking over on the other board and reading something about 2-4”/hr rates during that.
Correct. The RAP was actually the only model to nail this (snowmageddon, 2014), which is why I love the short-range RAP. Unfortunately, nobody (professional Met, semi-pro Met nor wannabe Met) took the RAP seriously back in those days. The rest is weather history.