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Wintry Jan 15-16 Winter Storm Discussion & Obs

I don't trust the NAM's PTYPE maps at all with how the column looks, not with how much dynamic cooling would happen. No way it takes 3 hours of 40 dbz snow to break 1800 ft of warmth that mind you is being funneled in from the wedge (so it's being cooled in 2 ways) and it stay all rain that whole time.
Nam has 850 low in Murphy , runing the apps lol. We can say adios to any backside flakes with that track.

Also spells big time trouble with more freezing rn predominant over sleet

The saving grace would be less qpf as we will dry slot, downslope if this is the case.
850s are noticeably warmer on the 0z NAM here

Unless I’m missing something, I don’t see that much warmer for ATL area in general vs 18Z. Maybe 1C at most for warmest. Even so, that’s still only +5C, which is still very ZR friendly assuming there will be ample precip falling much of the night and strong wedging/east winds Sat night to get that low level cold air to ATL. And before that 850s still suggest IP to me.
Notice the nam has increased ZR soundings in the second half of the storm for CLT along the the fv3 hi res, shows more of a warm nose vs a cool layer
The bad part about the timing on that is that by the time the soundings are becoming predominant for ZR, the heaviest of the precip is moved through and we’re just left with light freezing rain and temperatures in the 20s…everything will freeze on contact and accrual a lot more efficiently than with heavy rain