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Wintry Jan 15-16 Winter Storm Discussion & Obs

Front end snow definitely looks pretty possible right now. The NAM really struggles with FGEN that sparks WAA over a cold column increasing precip rates quite a bit out ahead of the system. The HRRR leads the way with this and something the globals (EURO in particular) continues to show.
06z suite continuing the trends of minimal to no front end snow for clt. Likely a sleet fest. Blech. Better than freezing rain I guess.
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I think the key for CLT metro is how strong and how far to the east that initial FGEN band is. The Euro has been steadfast on all of CLT metro, including southern and eastern parts, getting in on that for at least several hours… and with some pretty good rates. This is something that the 3kmNam has trouble picking up on at this range. The HRRR does a great job on picking up on it, so we’ll need to see if it begins matching the Euro as it comes into better range later today
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Any idea how these models performed with the last storm? I feel like the nws was way under while we got those 40 to 50 mph gusts while they called for weaker.
IIRC they were still overdone but not nearly as much so as we've seen previously, we had some 40-50 mph wind gust with that one. So I'd say about as accurate with it as I'd seen them

Brad P. Snow the sleet/freezing rain back to snow. Are y’all buying snow on the backend?

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It really is tough to say. I do know from watching these storms over the years, the times that CLT metro has gotten in on back end snowfall has been systems that are deepening quickly and producing a lot of wind… both of which appears to be the case here.
Any idea how these models performed with the last storm? I feel like the nws was way under while we got those 40 to 50 mph gusts while they called for weaker.
I’ve always heard these are a bit overstated, but I recorded a TS plus gust (52) but some of the short range hi-res models didn’t show me over 30
Looks to be more borderline for the North Charlotte area now after the overnights. With the normal game time trends we might end up with a cold rain. I guess sleet is not the worst thing in the world.
Rain would be pretty cold in the mid 20s
LR HRRR has the Low pressure about 50 miles or so more south in Alabama when it comes through along with the warmer temps being over the southern 3rd of the state. With central and north Alabama in the upper 30s lower 40s. Something to watch. Wether these temps budge any, or actual realtime analysis shows temperatures being warmer from forecasts then what's showing up sounding wise. Wouldn't be much of a surprise for temps to be a little lower than models show.
12Z HRRR a little quicker with the system and more north, but colder in the CAD regions overall so far through 39 hours
Just me or is it more south than other models?