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Tropical Hurricane Helene

Shift to west again. Lights out Atlanta! A very dangerous Thursday & Friday morning ahead!...sigh! Just are they seeing with the shift. Got to look at the 0z suite closely. Like one is saying, it must be something we don't know or a model they are using that we don't have access to for these slight adjustment west.
Yea living in west Georgia definitely don’t like these shifts to the west. Seems like landfall staying close to the same but the bend to the NW in Georgia is shifting west alittle each update.
The ICON is also sticking to its guns on bringing the storm up the eastern side of the cone once inland. Also it’s got the center basically on top of GSP Friday morning with a pressure still at 983mb
Yeah I’m confused as to why the official cone keeps shifting west when the models say otherwise.
Yeah I’m confused as to why the official cone keeps shifting west when the models say otherwise.
Well the NHC is usually really good at these. However I do question why atleast the cone isn’t a bit wider. I just looked at the most globals and hurricane model runs at the furthest west in GA any of those are is right over Atlanta.
I still don’t understand why so many models are showing the heaviest rain on the west side of the center. I always thought the west side was the good side.
There is a front forecast to be draped along that pre-storm axis of heavy rain.