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Tropical Hurricane Dorian

That's what l told my Mother give me until the 12z models tomorrow. Thank You! But is the recurve still there EURO EMS.

005530 2306N 06754W 7518 02446 9964 +134 +132 143089 090 076 002 00
005600 2305N 06756W 7509 02432 9931 +140 +134 142092 094 080 001 00
005630 2304N 06758W 7514 02395 9879 +159 +150 145082 085 085 001 00

005530 2306N 06754W 7518 02446 9964 +134 +132 143089 090 076 002 00
005600 2305N 06756W 7509 02432 9931 +140 +134 142092 094 080 001 00
005630 2304N 06758W 7514 02395 9879 +159 +150 145082 085 085 001 00
That's not good.
Something's broken either with TT or the dropsonde
URNT15 KNHC 300112
AF300 1605A DORIAN HDOB 26 20190830
010230 2309N 06814W 6970 03046 //// +075 //// 062073 077 064 029 05
010300 2308N 06813W 6932 03067 //// +082 //// 065067 077 /// /// 05
010330 2307N 06812W 7007 02954 //// +086 //// 054031 056 091 027 01
010400 2306N 06811W 6971 02990 //// +114 //// 052018 021 084 009 05
010430 2304N 06810W 6967 02987 //// +133 //// 042018 019 053 002 01
010500 2303N 06808W 6956 02989 //// +144 //// 018012 017 033 000 01
010530 2302N 06806W 6965 02975 9775 +150 +130 215003 011 031 001 00
010600 2302N 06805W 6967 02977 9783 +149 +105 183025 036 040 000 00
010630 2301N 06803W 6975 02979 9802 +147 +103 184048 055 040 000 03
010700 2300N 06801W 6951 03022 9811 +153 +104 196060 064 061 001 00
010730 2259N 06800W 6980 03009 9846 +143 +099 198066 073 070 000 00
010800 2258N 06759W 6980 03034 9892 +127 +097 203071 073 070 000 00
010830 2257N 06758W 6972 03066 9923 +120 +086 201070 071 067 001 03
010900 2256N 06757W 6963 03083 9945 +113 +083 197064 069 065 000 00
010930 2255N 06756W 6967 03092 9966 +104 +087 199062 064 059 000 03
011000 2254N 06755W 6967 03100 9974 +108 +088 203064 065 057 000 00
011030 2252N 06754W 6970 03106 9981 +110 +081 206061 064 052 000 03
011100 2251N 06752W 6969 03116 9990 +111 +077 210057 059 050 000 00
011130 2250N 06751W 6971 03120 0009 +102 +078 210054 056 047 000 00
011200 2249N 06750W 6967 03133 0030 +091 +082 210053 055 046 000 00

Latest recon data shows flagged 91 knots SMFR and the pressure at 977.5.
If you guys and ladies had to guess now What do you think this cane would do run up the coast of Fl. or hit inland and where would it hit inland. Just trying to get an ideal. Thanks