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Tropical Hurricane Dorian

Reminds me of Jeanne and frances to some degree. Feeling ok for now up here in NC as this one doesnt seem to have an out up the coast as of right now.
Agreed... I think it's either into the shredder or if it misses the high pushes it back west
12Z Euro coming towards SE US further north and much stronger as of 102/108.
So the high that looked to push it west is breaking down fairly quick on the Euro? I'm only out to 96 on the Euro and being impatient lol

Nope.... what there is of a TC is going west

So the high that looked to push it west is breaking down fairly quick on the Euro? I'm only out to 96 on the Euro and being impatient lol

Not really. Actually, high is a tad stronger. I'm basing that on the position being slightly further N than the 0Z. But let's see if it makes a sharper left turn. If so, it won't come into FL further north.
Not really. Actually, high is a tad stronger. I'm basing that on the position being slightly further N than the 0Z. But let's see if it makes a sharper left turn. If so, it won't come into FL further north.
Yeah I just edited my post, looks like a left hook incoming because that high is stout
Based off the 24 hour slides I "think" the Euro doesn't interact with the shredder much either. It's a little stronger but still looks like a tropical storm. Now let's see where it goes.
The real question: is the Euro catching up with the rest of the models and tomorrow will go to the gulf? Or will the rest see some weakness in the high and come back to the east coast? Stay tuned to days of our lives.......
Talk about threading the needle.

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Is it just me or does anyone else think that the friction of this thing blowing against the mountain range can cause it to wobble right, between the 2 islands? Looks like simple physics to me, but maybe that's too simple of an explanation.

The 12Z Euro's relatively weak storm would be great news but I don't believe it because:
- The model has shear all around it under 10 knots the prior 48 hours
- The model has dewpoints of 77+ F all around it for the 48 hours leading to landfall
- It is traveling over SSTs that are very warm and OHC that is high for the prior 48 hours
- Other than flat northern Bahamas, which never have much effect, there's no land interaction the prior 48 hours. It had only grazed E Hispaniola 72 hours earlier.
- There's a high to the north, which if anything is normally conducive to strengthening for a TC traveling underneath it to the W or NW
- It is still pretty small then per the model making it easier to strengthen
- It is moving too quickly to result in much weakening from upwelling
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If there's anything model watching will teach you, its that you never really know for sure what's gonna happen. (ESPECIALLY at this range)