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Pattern Freezing Ferocious February

And then happy hour GFS has a pure rain event for all who get anything from the system. while 18z NAM much colder with ice into north NC.
7A02AD24-FB56-4434-8765-112FF6F58248.png Well 18z GFS is showing a soaking over the next couple weeks for the Mid-South. Not sure if totals will be this high but rain will be the discussion.
View attachment 4032 Well 18z GFS is showing a soaking over the next couple weeks for the Mid-South. Not sure if totals will be this high but rain will be the discussion.
Unfortunately I tend to think the next couple of weeks is going to turn into about 3 or 4 months. This has another Mississippi River flooding of 2011 written all over it.
So did the ocean move within a 100 miles from Chattanooga while I wasn't looking? It's Feb and there isn't anything close to a freeze on my ten day forecast. Global warming isn't real? BS, find me a historical month with so many warm lows in Feb in a row.. And so many months in the past 5 years with AN temps. We had one incredible cold spell in January.. but CHA's coldest morning was 8. Same pattern 30-40 years ago we would have been close to zero or below. Rant over, lol Delete away mods :)
So did the ocean move within a 100 miles from Chattanooga while I wasn't looking? It's Feb and there isn't anything close to a freeze on my ten day forecast. Global warming isn't real? BS, find me a historical month with so many warm lows in Feb in a row.. And so many months in the past 5 years with AN temps. We had one incredible cold spell in January.. but CHA's coldest morning was 8. Same pattern 30-40 years ago we would have been close to zero or below. Rant over, lol Delete away mods :)
Hey whamby, with all due respect, had we had littld bit of snow cover in early January records would have been shattered. No doubt winters have seemed a bit warmer here as of late but keep in mind we live on a tiny spec in the middle of an Infinate universe. We can't begin to fathom the various climate cycles that exist here on earth. I'm in the camp that we have very little control of our existence. With that said, bring on the 80 degree heat :(
Hey whamby, with all due respect, had we had littld bit of snow cover in early January records would have been shattered. No doubt winters have seemed a bit warmer here as of late but keep in mind we live on a tiny spec in the middle of an Infinate universe. We can't begin to fathom the various climate cycles that exist here on earth. I'm in the camp that we have very little control of our existence. With that said, bring on the 80 degree heat :(
and scientists on this 'tiny spec' have found extra solar planets in far away galaxies, using that well-respected tool, Science.
and scientists on this 'tiny spec' have found extra solar planets in far away galaxies, using that well-respected tool, Science.

Whamby, I believe we have a Global warming thread in progress below so we don't have to fill up all our discussions on our current weather topics with this impossible argument. As for science, I love it. The best part is when theories are proven scientifically using the known laws of science (ie the first and second laws of thermodynamics).going through all the steps of experimentation before the theoretical conclusion is accepted. Unfortunately, it seems this truth seeking process has been abandoned and the sheep flock to what the media force feeds for their cronies' well being. Just follow the money.
So did the ocean move within a 100 miles from Chattanooga while I wasn't looking? It's Feb and there isn't anything close to a freeze on my ten day forecast. Global warming isn't real? BS, find me a historical month with so many warm lows in Feb in a row.. And so many months in the past 5 years with AN temps. We had one incredible cold spell in January.. but CHA's coldest morning was 8. Same pattern 30-40 years ago we would have been close to zero or below. Rant over, lol Delete away mods :)

Just 3 February’s ago your winter looked very cold. Also looking at many winters before that you had plenty of below normal temps and lots of above average snowfall. Claiming global warming is real because it’s been warm in your backyard the last 2 February’s is not a good argument. I’m not arguing it either way but if i was and decided to use your towns temps and snowfall as you are then I’d say global warming isn’t happening based on the data I looked at. I think to many people only remember warmth in the winter and quickly forget the snow and cold. I mean it was just under a month ago that we had a massive cold snap That was supposed to be a torch month. We live in the south and when we get above normal temps in late winter it’s not going to feel like winter but more like spring. Yes last winter was a torch and this February is looking the same but you can find many back to back winters over the last 100 years that had warmer then normal temps. Here’s your February 2015 monthly records for Chattanooga Tennessee.


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Last Feb, KATL had its warmest on record back to 1879, 56.1. The very latest MDA forecast has warmed them to 56.2, which would be a new record warmest Feb. and it would be a full 9 F warmer than average! So, KATL is looking more and more likely to have its two warmest Febs since 1879 during the last 2 winters!

Note that this warmth is occurring despite a month with a -EPO on most days. This is but one example that shows that the correlation between a -EPO and cold in the SE is rather weak. The correlation is much stronger in the Midwest.
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Apparently the correlation between the much loved -NAO, and cold/trough in the East is very weak also, as is phase 8,1,2, of the MJO, in relation to the same. :(
I forgot to add that the forecasted 56.2 for KATL in Feb 2018 would make it the warmest month on record (back to 1879) for any month of met winter! History in the making? At least we have some historical excitement to go along with the warmth.
Well, it's now looking like this feb could go down in the record books for warmest ever, or even top five. days of 80s in Georgia, 70s tennessee.
Well, it's now looking like this feb could go down in the record books for warmest ever, or even top five. days of 80s in Georgia, 70s tennessee.

And there’s no El Niño on roids to blame it on this time.

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I forgot to add that the forecasted 56.2 for KATL in Feb 2018 would make it the warmest month on record (back to 1879) for any month of met winter! History in the making? At least we have some historical excitement to go along with the warmth.

MDA has today warmed the FEB KATL forecast up from 56.2 to an amazing 56.8 F, which would not only be the warmest Feb on record back to 1879 by 0.7 F but also would be the largest warming from Jan to Feb on record, 16.4 F!
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