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Pattern Freezing Ferocious February

GFS atleast looks pretty day 8-9. Those Presidents Day snows. PNA ridge with -EPO, AO block into Greenland. Just need it shoved southeast a 100 miles.

There is some model support for Presidents Day east coast winter storm. JMA and Euro also show something.
GFS atleast looks pretty day 8-9. Those Presidents Day snows. PNA ridge with -EPO, AO block into Greenland. Just need it shoved southeast a 100 miles.

Another 300 miles south would suit me fine. Then again, I am ready for Spring and working in my garden again.
The Euro has incessantly tried to dampen the MJO at every chance it gets and none of those forecasts have verified the past 3 weeks, it's been embarrassing to watch even as someone who didn't create or work on the ECMWF. If there's 2 things on the planetary scale that models can't resolve it's stratosphere-troposphere interactions and initiating convection in the tropics as a result of it and we'll have to deal with both simultaneously here
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The Euro has incessantly tried to dampen the MJO at every chance it gets and none of those forecasts have verified the past 3 weeks, it's been atrocious to watch. If there's 2 things on the planetary scale that models can't resolve it's stratosphere-troposphere interactions and initiating convection in the tropics as a result of it and we'll have to deal with both simultaneously here
You seemingly missed my point, but I got yours ... ;)
Liking the GFS trends today for next weekend for cooler air... and even temps for the coming week have cooled off a few degrees compared to earlier runs this week. Seems like the warmth is slowly getting chipped back a bit but still looking above average for sure next week regardless.
Ended up -3.9 for the month of January here. So far we are average at best for February. We did hit 60 today. First time it what seems like forever. Looks like another big rain in the low / mid 30s is heading this way. Miserable.
I guess it's all relative. Over the last 10 nights I've been below, or at freezing 5 times, and below 35 3 times, all cold enough to support frozen, at least at the surface. It's been cold where my skin is, if not the whole column. It's always gets cold in winter, but since it's the south, there are so many more factors to work in, lol. How deep is the cold, how sustained, where's the moisture? Do the two meet up? Best not to look past 3 days, and one won't get too worked up about any of it, lol.

Meant to reply to this earlier but this is why I get it in "thinking" that February may have been below average so far because of how badly February torched all the way last year (really the whole winter). But (and this going off of my memory, atm) low to mid 60s is actually above average!

I remember someone else posting when one of those analysis maps was posted "Huh, I thought it was much more colder than average, guess it feels that way because of the bad 16/17 winter last season".
The GFS actually piqued my interest slightly for next weekend. Of course it will change 1500 times between now and then, but I've seen set-ups like that before that spelled I-C-E.