HM is unwavering in his notion of the development of a -NAO later in February and I'm going to back him up on this one given what I posted yesterday on the MJO-NAO connections, the equatorward -AAM propagation from the SSWE and poleward -AAM from the MJO, etc. Masiello's "secret" to success here wrt having a relatively uncanny capability to predict medium-long range in spite of potentially large run-to-run NWP variability lies in his utilization of just focusing on the large-scale forcings at hand and complementing this with regular review of literature on topics that are relevant to the real-time pattern in addition to experience obviously, instead of focusing so much on NWP like many often do. Your brain is a muscle, and like any muscle it needs regular exercise and that's what reading literature affords you. That's what separates the men from the boys.