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Feb 26-29 snow showers/clippers

I know this is banter but it's kinda dead in here and all this talk of convective snow. Check out this 15 mile wide band in Kansas where nearly 13 inches fell. How'd you like to be in that..or worse be on either side?


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Euro simular to the cmc
Looks just a little warm to me, but rates might make it work at the peak.

Yeh hrrr BL mixing/warm bias is probably affecting SFC temps to, probably a bit to high, wetbulb during those Convective showers will probably more so be around 38-42 so it will certainly be close
Yeh hrrr BL mixing/warm bias is probably affecting SFC temps to, probably a bit to high, wetbulb during those Convective showers will probably more so be around 38-42 so it will certainly be close
You should look at what the HRRR has diving into GA... Can't wait for the soundings and maps there. Seems like a massive Convective Snow Shower.
This is close even for CLT altho it’s still a bit to warm, but graupel is likely tommorow 7FE63F10-BBAF-41FE-96F6-4D9F9BABAAF0.png
Help me understand the DGZ values cause they look off the charts here what does that mean when it shows up like that

That’s over -1 to -2 omega, likely signaling the development of graupel/snow with pretty good lift, and a solid updraft, sfc is barely supportive of snow tho, but graupel would easily make it
That’s over -1 to -2 omega, likely signaling the development of graupel/snow with pretty good lift, and a solid updraft, sfc is barely supportive of snow tho, but graupel would easily make it
Graupel snow mix? Crashing Column? Temps cooler than predicted on models possibly? Surprise 3 inches of snow? ... okay that last one was a wennie one
Likely rain/graupel with a few showers with the deepest cores mixing with wet flakes
Agreed. Maybe when I get a chance I’ll pull up a radar loop from Feb 2013, surface temps are several degrees warmer so that will put a damper on snow chances relative to that case but certainly could see some wet flakes here and there