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Misc Fall - End of 2019 Whamby

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I don’t know if it’s just local or what but I’m tired of just one big over a foot of snow and done type of winters. I would prefer smaller more frequent events with more clouds right after events.
Ollie, i dont see anything on the second map, but my eyes arent the greatest lol. The first map looks acceptable.

The first map was the graphic I was displaying that has JB’s forecast. The second one was meant to be a blank design just for reference.

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Not sure why a warm December is a bad thing. Doesn't mean it will be warm for January and February. And it doesn't usually snow around here in December anyway.
Early snow is amazing. It helps you get into the holiday spirit. The way we have had two significant winter storms for the Southeast US two years in a row in early December is quite anomalous. (Though some areas were luckier than others). I wouldn't be surprised if December is a shutout for most this year.
I understand. You should do one yourself ollie. Give us your thoughts.

Thanks Golf, I’ve learned my lesson “not” to make winter forecasts. I made one last year, back when I was a super weenie. I mean, last year I’ve worshipped JB and the Euro seasonal. You know how that panned out. Thank goodness I found this forum because my views of peaches and rainbows of our winters have gone away. Take a look at my forecast from last year. I know, right!

This year my forecast will be wash, rinse and repeat of the SER. Though I’m not making a forecast because, deep down, I like to know there is a chance of a block buster winter (Probably not). Right now I’m going to just listen to Webb and Anthony Masiello and see if I can interpret cold out of their scientific chatter.
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I don’t know if it’s just local or what but I’m tired of just one big over a foot of snow and done type of winters. I would prefer smaller more frequent events with more clouds right after events.
Sounds like you would love the midwest. Lots of small 1-3" snow events with days of clouds afterwards.
Thanks Golf, I’ve learned my lesson “not” to make winter forecasts. I made one last year, back when I was a super weenie. I mean, last year I’ve worshipped JB and the Euro seasonal. You know how that panned out. Thank goodness I found this forum because my views of peaches and rainbows of our winters have gone away. Take a look at my forecast from last year. I know, right!

This year my forecast will be wash, rinse and repeat of the SER. Though I’m not making a forecast because, deep down, I like to know there is a chance of a block buster winter (Probably not). Right now I’m going to just listen to Webb and Anthony Masiello and see if I can interpret cold out of their scientific chatter.

Another good one is ISOTHERM. Imo, he is one of the best. He will put out his forecast in a week.
Another good one is ISOTHERM. Imo, he is one of the best. He will put out his forecast in a week.

I agree, I follow the 33andRain winter thread and really appreciate his posts down there. I didn’t know his forecast was coming out soon. Thanks for letting me know, I’m going to have to look out for that.
Edit: Over on the NE forum 40/70 Benchmark said he was going to release his forecast November 11th or 12th

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A line is a storm system that brings heavy rains and strong winds very quickly over a widespread area.
Lot of us are not new on here. Lot of us are very knowledgable when it comes to weather. I've notice your question on here are a bit to much and off the wall, be patient your answers will come. We know what a line of storms are and many many more. So when your learning weather, please know that most of us are way way way ahead of you lol.
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