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Misc Fall - End of 2019 Whamby

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Let’s start coming up with possible December thread titles now and vote on the best one. Doubtful December. Do-do December. Damn December. Deplorable December. Dirty December. Debby Downer December. Dry Dusty December.

Enjoy the cold weather while you have it. December-January =

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I’m already seeing shades of last winter. Heat coupled with rain then the PV pays a visit and our snowstorms turn to partly cloudy skies. Man it’s just tough sledding around here. It really is
The good thing about November fake storms is, the trolls are out early! Man, I missed them! Brad P seems to be an idol of theirs!
TWC now giving RDU a 30% chance of snow for next Thursday night...based on climatology I'd say that's way too high
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