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Pattern Failbruary Thread

Where did my dandelions go?
View attachment 113610

I’ll take your cold 12Z GEFS and raise you an even colder 12Z EPS:


March in like a lion?


PNA going back toward positive?


A good number of CFS runs have been hinting at cold/+PNA returning in early to mid March. Check out the 12Z run.

The warmth of mid to late next week is very old news now. What isn’t old news is that this warmth is looking more and more shortlived.

With this in mind, keep in mind that RDU major snow frequency peak doesn’t even start to drop until March 4th. ATL has had a good number of winter storms through the first few days of March.

Keep in mind that early March climo temperatures are similar to the start of December and being cold then is not at all unusual. Average coldest at RDU in March even when Feb peaked at 80+ was still 23, which is right at the overall average coldest for March.

One more thing to keep in mind: the Arctic’s coldest normal for a day isn’t for another 10 days.
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At RDU, the month with heaviest snowfall occurred 14 times in March since 1887:

1890, 1927, 1932, 1934, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1947, 1960, 1969, 1971, 1974, 1980, and 1983.

So ,longest between them: 37 years. It has been 39 years. 2.8" would do it assuming nothing more this month.

# times with 7"+:
Nov 0
Dec 8
Jan 14
Feb 17
Mar 7
Apr 1

March dates with 6.5"+ storms (8 storms)

1, 1-2, 2, 2-3, 9, 10, 24, 24

There are additional dates with major icestorms which I didn't list because those are very hard to compile though I have done so for ATL.
Freeze all of the way down to Hogtown @pcbjr this morning though that's nothing too unusual for mid Feb.

As a matter of fact. Hogtown has had a March freeze a whopping 51 times since 1901!

The CFS though mainly a for entertainment model, keeps insisting on a return to cold for at some of early to mid month. The latest (12Z) has much of the E US chilly the whole month (no longlasting torch at all) though the SE is only at the bottom end of the cold. So, maybe the torch of next week will be the last for awhile??
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06z GFS and GEFS continue the tune of a much colder beginning to March .. what a sight for sore eyes hope it doesn’t smooth out as we get closer but certainly looks like a period to watch for something as we will have much more cold air around to work with
06z GFS and GEFS continue the tune of a much colder beginning to March .. what a sight for sore eyes hope it doesn’t smooth out as we get closer but certainly looks like a period to watch for something as we will have much more cold air around to work with
March 1960 redux
Although it is long range right now an ensemble mean as stout as this on both major globals usually means somethings up. This is extreme late February to extremely early March which honestly isn’t TERRIBLE climo for some snow to work out (for the upper SE) but yes it is a bit harder. With this look though I could easily see some sort of winter weather working out for the upper SE during this time .. I’ll flag it as interesting and watch as I sunbathe over the next 2 weeks C225A385-614D-405C-BF68-13D72EB9CA70.pngFD67B368-3E3F-4F98-AA67-16252A322AA4.png9F40766B-D91C-4549-AD81-B95EE02617BF.pngBA869F7C-C412-42EB-9B4C-4525558EDA69.png
Although it is long range right now an ensemble mean as stout as this on both major globals usually means somethings up. This is extreme late February to extremely early March which honestly isn’t TERRIBLE climo for some snow to work out (for the upper SE) but yes it is a bit harder. With this look though I could easily see some sort of winter weather working out for the upper SE during this time .. I’ll flag it as interesting and watch as I sunbathe over the next 2 weeks View attachment 113666View attachment 113667View attachment 113669View attachment 113668
This guy is coming again ?