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Pattern Failbruary Thread

Got down to 16 degrees but not a flake has flown here with this latest system. So 7 straight weeks of snow didn’t happen but 6 is still impressive. I do know I’ve had around 10 or more nights that have dropped in the teens this winter with a few nights in the single digits. If no more snow falls though this winter is still easily an A+ For me. Multiple events that totaled 2 inches of snow and of course the big boy 8 inch snow on January 6th For a total of 12.9 inches this winter. Hopefully I can squeeze out another 0.1 and get to 13 inches on the season before winter runs out.
Another beautiful February day for outdoor activities here today with partial sunshine, temperatures in the 60s, dewpoints falling through the 40s and likely headed for the 30s, and a nice breeze. Hard to beat.
Not out of the question to get another storm, icy mix as we flip into March. See some NE Breeze days ahead. GFS had a 1050 HP up in NE on a couple frames. Been a good winter here. Coming to an end as climo is getting ready to accelerate things on top of rolling into an unfavorable pattern. Like GAwx says, it can stay cold as long as it wants. Its 6 and half months till Sept 1st and we start trending at a snails pace toward winter again. The 6 weeks of winter we've been blessed to have is a Bad tradeoff for the 6+ months of heat,humidity,gnats,mosquitoes etc
As we prepare for an early spring this year, I still remember talking with my Granpa as a little kid about this storm. Sort of a Superstorm 93 February version. Maybe next year.

Gonna have to ask Metwannabe how cold it was at his house back then!
That’s the cold outbreak of cold outbreaks! I would love to have experienced it!
That is a winter's over look. ☹

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Yep, cold air on the opposite side of the world, where it normally resides! But it was a good month to month and a half of more cold than not in the SE and several minor events! Not bad for a non winter!
Not out of the question to get another storm, icy mix as we flip into March. See some NE Breeze days ahead. GFS had a 1050 HP up in NE on a couple frames. Been a good winter here. Coming to an end as climo is getting ready to accelerate things on top of rolling into an unfavorable pattern. Like GAwx says, it can stay cold as long as it wants. Its 6 and half months till Sept 1st and we start trending at a snails pace toward winter again. The 6 weeks of winter we've been blessed to have is a Bad tradeoff for the 6+ months of heat,humidity,gnats,mosquitoes etc
SE WxAlerts Guy on FB, posted today that he is watching 20-22 and 26-28? said he didn't know if it would be anything of significance ?‍♂️
Frozen up solid outside. Upper 20s already, mega frost unfolding. Moisture today was 10hrs to early lol
That’s a call I can get behind don’t think we make it here in Raleigh but Charlotte I could see having a better chance .. early March will probably get there for us both though
Actualllyyyy … Raleigh does better with extreme highs and lows versus Charlotte . Don’t focus on who is more south . Look at the numbers .