Big snows in the region usually come in February/March. January doesn't usually pack the explosive potential that those months do. For instance, 4 of Charlotte's top 5 snowfalls were February or March. Raleighs first is January 25th, but second and third are February and March.I know we all desperately want these maps to come to fruition but we have been fooled to many times in the past to fall for this.
The AI is the new shiny toy in the tool box but this just looks to good to be true!
I don't believe that our climate has changed so much that this can't happen but,
I'd be more out to believe this in January than mid Feb.
If I'm not mistaken based upon some of the posts from the Jan storms that Burrel was posting it was extremely to high on totals.
Would love to see half of this happen in that foot print,
It would be like times of old...
The biggest snow of my life was in March and the second was in February, here in East Tennessee. Both over 20 inches.