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Pattern December to Remember

The 12z Euro from today actually looks good for later in the future this month - still currently thinking a colder pattern settling in within 2 - 2 and a half weeks. If you take a look upstream over the EPO (and part of the PNA) region, there's a deep trough that I beleive will transpire east of the Rockies between the 17th and 22nd (give or take) The waves from Russia would force the North Pacific blocking into the PNA region while some sections of the sinking air may become separated and go poleward. The blocking across the Central US I think would be a transitional warmth as the flow continues to propagate and that area of air I think would get forced over Greenland causing a possible strong -NAO signature.
I don’t see a big ridge filling the middle of the country with a trough situated on both coasts. These two usually can’t coexist. That little block looks favorable. Cant wait to punt then unpunt a few more times over the next 30 days.
Weren’t they touting big cold for December anyhow ? So now that it’s in jeopardy no surprise they are finessing any possible way to show it will still get cold . Lol.
I actually seem to remember them calling for a full on torch to start just after Thanksgiving and continued for much of December. What they put out today really isn’t much different from what Webb was talking about earlier, except their timing is sooner. I tend to lean more toward Webb’s thinking on the timing.
I don’t see a big ridge filling the middle of the country with a trough situated on both coasts. These two usually can’t coexist. That little block looks favorable. Cant wait to punt then unpunt a few more times over the next 30 days.
Yep all this looks like is shortened wavelengths and then a boot of the EC trough and back to a EC ridge while the western trough ejects eastward, that blocking on top is weak
I don’t see a big ridge filling the middle of the country with a trough situated on both coasts. These two usually can’t coexist. That little block looks favorable. Cant wait to punt then unpunt a few more times over the next 30 days.
Yeah this is a good point. While the short wavelengths are nice for the time being they aren’t sustainable for very long in the dead of winter. In the shoulder season (perhaps late Feb and into March) it’s a somewhat different story.
The system on the 8th if it got here earlier on Tuesday a.m I could see a lil onset mix till warm air kicks in. Maybe a lil in-situ CAD developing. Something to watch for us MTN peeps I guess.
I don’t see a big ridge filling the middle of the country with a trough situated on both coasts. These two usually can’t coexist. That little block looks favorable. Cant wait to punt then unpunt a few more times over the next 30 days.
A ridge may not come into place, however if that strong frontal passage occurs, a strong high is likely to build in - causing higher heights behind the front. Since the higher heights would be associated with a transitioning high, the blocking will not be stationary. Those particular higher heights are within the main flow of transition over the Continental US.