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Pattern December, Make analogs relevant again

Some time ago, the librarian at the Union County Public Library in Monroe, NC sent me photocopies of pages from a book on Union County history. As shown on the first page, it describes the cold summer of 1816 and the effect it had on the crops. A Fayetteville, NC newspaper also notes the summer of 1816 as being cold.
Dang, the river in Augusta frozen solid in 84. Now that's some cold weather.
Somewhere in this cold pattern a winterstorm will appear. Matter of time.
Not surprisingly, especially considering the much colder 12Z EPS mean, the 0z Euro is much colder than that disappointing not so cold 12Z Euro and is at least as cold as that very cold Euro from 24 hours ago. This is due to a combo of an insanely strong Greenland block (-NAO), with H5 hts a whopping 50 dm above normal at the S tip (hts reach an amazing 572 dm) working in tandem with a strong -AO and an insanely tall western N. American ridge. Also, the SE cold moves up to 12/6...yes, a week from today! It's real. folks. Pinch yourself and you'll see you're not dreaming.

On this run, Chicago goes below freezing 7 PM on Tue and never gets back above 30 the next 3 days (through the end of the run) with no prospect to get above 32 for probably at least a couple more days at least per the day 10 map, which has even more Arctic air plunging down!
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The 0Z EPS has officially totally lost its marbles. UN BE LIEVABLE!

**Edit: I mean that in a good way....Brrrrrr!!
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Key thing stil... dry as a bone. Dilly dilly
Dry but very cold. One thing to remember, just because its showing dry doesn't mean a storm wont pop up. In fact there is a storm flirting around within sometime during this cold outbreak.
Lol dry??? Clearly you NEVER look at the ensembles ......if this dry , sign my ass up for dry.

dilly dilly

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have to admitt having seen this particular run here charlie.... getting better there... im just so worried been dry in my area while that this cold air coming going to be even drier... m ready to get the ball going on winter storms or something... not being debbie downer you know that...
Screen Shot 2017-11-29 at 7.20.03 AM.png

Lol the first thought that pops into my head after seeing his tweet regarding a prestigious "worldwide" Rossby Wave configuration showing up in the longer term...
Step Brothers btw
EPS is drier than average the next 10 days for most, starts to look better late in the run with a swath of AN precipitation anomalies encircling the Gulf and SE US coasts w/ drier than normal weather persisting over the TN valley

EPS is drier than average the next 10 days for most, starts to look better late in the run with a swath of AN precipitation anomalies encircling the Gulf and SE US coasts w/ drier than normal weather persisting over the TN valley
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corrrect webber... thats what im seeing... and like you just said... even drier for my particular area.... thanks for sharing
End of the EPS control run has the look of a classic southern slider w/ snow breaking out across Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and northern Louisiana... A healthy & extensive snowpack is prevalent to our north and extends all the way to the I-64 corridor, helping to anchor in the antecedent and forthcoming arctic outbreaks. Sucks it's a 15 day pipe dream

End of the EPS control run has the look of a classic southern slider w/ snow breaking out across Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and northern Louisiana... A healthy & extensive snowpack is prevalent to our north and extends all the way to the I-64 corridor, helping to anchor in the antecedent and forthcoming arctic outbreaks. Sucks it's a 15 day pipe dream

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sweet there eric.... yeah like to see the snowpack get going just not canada but in our country like midwest plains etc... that even forces storm track more south some... i read some where were that could influence the storm track bit
Just some " meh" runs overnight!?? :)