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Pattern December - Deal or No Deal?

Here is the 18z GFS

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Alot of helicity, probably going to be low topped supercells/bows with that type of sounding, little to no lightning with these types of storms. Screenshot_20181218-220015.png
The 2002-03 is the favored analog thus far, right? I would take another January 16-17, 2003. In fact, give me a redux of January 16-17, 2003, and Duke can win the national title for all I care. :)
Some of the worst anomolies on Earth situated right on top of my house. Man I feel special. At least you don’t have to worry about 850’s cooperating when 2m temps are 45 degrees too warm. How do 75 degree ground temps affect the dendrite growth zone?A786BA8C-A232-4B37-8760-D9CDA5BB9403.png

@Tarheel1 is this a snow sounding?
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Some of the worst anomolies on Earth situated right on top of my house. Man I feel special. At least you don’t have to worry about 850’s cooperating when 2m temps are 45 degrees too warm. How do 75 degree ground temps affect the dendrite growth zone?View attachment 9305
View attachment 9306

@Tarheel1 is this a snow sounding?
View attachment 9307
Can rates overcome 75 degree BL temps, I think so!! I love it when 85 is the dividing line between warm rain and thunderstorms!! That’s when we shine S of 85, and get the good stuff!