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Pattern December - Deal or No Deal?

only 16 more days

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Getting the perfect Storm track with the cold. That’s what seems to be the problem. We get a good look then it’s gone by the next model run. Then back again. I just don’t think we will really know about a storm until it’s within 7 days

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Getting the perfect Storm track with the cold. That’s what seems to be the problem. We get a good look then it’s gone by the next model run. Then back again. I just don’t think we will really know about a storm until it’s within 7 days

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More like 3-4 days. And even then it’s still questionable as to weather or not a particular area in the south will get snow. The south is one of the hardest places to predict snow. This last storm the local weather predicted a half inch of snow. They then upped totals to possibly 2 inches the day of, only to drop the totals back down during. Ended up with nothing but some freezing rain after all was said and done. A lot of non weather folks will bash the weather forecasters because they don’t understand how truly hard it is to predict snow in the south.
I'm having a hard time understanding all the worry about the pattern at 384 when things are looking so interesting next week? The models are very inconsistent beyond 168, ....One phasing storm would change everything?
More back side snow on the 18z GFS. Bring it on! Perhaps, it could trend better and better.


Also, look at those 850 temps, excellent snow growth with those kind of temps.

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